Enhancement Request/Wish list (this is a long shot, maybe 2034?): I would like to be able to insert within a comment an image, e.g. a screenshot. So I can have notes plus graphic(s). And what would be really nice is if the container displaying the image within the annotation child window could be configurable and scrollable so as to keep the image contained into a small space, but nonetheless can be scrolled about to see all portions. I'm reading some low level PDF documentation on SystemV init files and I want to take notes as the text describes item and how they appear within my Gentoo system. That way later one, I can read the author's comments in the main text, e.g. a PDF page from his book, and see example taken live from my system and get a quick refresh of how the verbiage applies within my own system. And if the image could be clickable so that it pops out in a larger and/or full size. I acknowledge this is a substantial scope creep for the annotations division, but I did not see anything like this request in my search for "annotations images", so I'll be the first to put it in writing. The road to Rome starts with imagination. Thank you for making a great product in open source.