Hello, I am wondering why the picture in okular can not be selected, thus I have to use another PDF viewer like SumatraPDF to select it. When I say select, it means I can copy the picture. That is the first question, the other one is that it seems the function of tab can not work as expected. In the okular setting, regular setting, there is a checkbox says open new file in the tab, however when I open new files, like open it in windows file, it will just open another windows instead of open in tab. Please fix these problems, if you can. Thank you for making such good software, with these problems, Okular will still be a awesome pdf viewer!
Please do not report two issues in the same bug report, makes for a very bad tracking experience. Anyhow both things are known https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=407547 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=406489
Sorry for reporting two issues in this report, thank you for replying, I'll check next time