STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. make sure Thunderbird and Discord run on Xwayland, not natively on Wayland 2. open Discord or Thunderbird via Kickoff 3. try to minimize the app used in the previous step by clicking on its entry in the task manager OBSERVED RESULT nothing happens. Cannot reproduce with KDE apps like Dolphin, Konsole and Kate. EXPECTED RESULT the app is minimized SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Plasma 6 beta 2
I can reproduce this with Thunderbird, but I noticed the problem goes away if I click on the taskbar entry of another application and then click on Thunderbird's icon again on the taskbar. If I close Thunderbird and open it again the problem comes back.
The problem is that in model.IsActive is false for newly launched XWayland apps
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 477257 ***
A possibly relevant merge request was started @
*** Bug 479388 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Git commit df5a6097401124b8ecad874ae1a7e01df5e61028 by Vlad Zahorodnii. Committed on 16/01/2024 at 11:59. Pushed by vladz into branch 'master'. libtaskmanager: Fix initialization of IsActive in WaylandTasksModel The IsActive role does not represent state_active anymore, but rather the activeWindow property of the WaylandTasksModel::Private. Unlike Wayland windows, X11 windows can be already active when they are added. So this case needs to be handled in order to properly initialize the activeWindow property. M +29 -19 libtaskmanager/waylandtasksmodel.cpp
Git commit ef9b3c4a9995ee480e271eb8df4030b78b3cbc06 by Vlad Zahorodnii. Committed on 16/01/2024 at 12:14. Pushed by vladz into branch 'Plasma/6.0'. libtaskmanager: Fix initialization of IsActive in WaylandTasksModel The IsActive role does not represent state_active anymore, but rather the activeWindow property of the WaylandTasksModel::Private. Unlike Wayland windows, X11 windows can be already active when they are added. So this case needs to be handled in order to properly initialize the activeWindow property. (cherry picked from commit df5a6097401124b8ecad874ae1a7e01df5e61028) M +29 -19 libtaskmanager/waylandtasksmodel.cpp
FYI, this is still a problem here, but oddly enough, only on one screen. I think the best way is to demonstrate this through a video (Well, two) so here they are: Screen 1, Primary (Works fine): Screen 2 (Glitched):
Even with that commit and rebooting the system, though? It just went in a day ago. Could you write some steps to steps to reproduce in text form? I'm having a hard time following what the videos are showing me and I can't reproduce the issue when I make an XWayland app open on my secondary screen.
Alright, I got two screens, right? Left screen being my primary screen (In case it matters). On that screen, you'll see in the video, if I click on an icon in the taskbar, it maximizes and un-minimizes just fine. On the right screen, for me, if a window is minimized, clicking on it will un-minimize it. But if I click on it again to try to minimize it, it won't. And also there's a strange line that shows right on top of the button for some reason, but that's secondary. Mind you though in my case, this happens regardless of the application type: Xorg or Wayland. Hopefully that gives some context to the videos.
(In reply to Steve Cossette from comment #10) > Alright, I got two screens, right? Left screen being my primary screen (In > case it matters). On that screen, you'll see in the video, if I click on an > icon in the taskbar, it maximizes and un-minimizes just fine. > > On the right screen, for me, if a window is minimized, clicking on it will > un-minimize it. But if I click on it again to try to minimize it, it won't. > And also there's a strange line that shows right on top of the button for > some reason, but that's secondary. > > Mind you though in my case, this happens regardless of the application type: > Xorg or Wayland. > > Hopefully that gives some context to the videos. By the way, I did recompile plasma-workspace with this commit yesterday: Then, I installed it, and rebooted. The videos/explanations I submitted were after I got done doing this.
And this morning, it seems to no longer do it.... Mind you I patched & installed the patched plasma-workspace package two days ago, and I shut down my computer every night. I need to find out why this bug triggers... I guess for now this may need to be closed, if it reoccurs ill reopen it
*** Bug 481415 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***