# kdesrc-build running: 'git' 'checkout' '-b' 'v1.3.0' 'origin/v1.3.0' # from directory: /home/zeus/kde/src/kuserfeedback fatal: 'origin/v1.3.0' is not a commit and a branch 'v1.3.0' cannot be created from it Trying to build the latest release of kde5 software using the kdesrc-build and it continuously fails with not finding this to build. On Debian Bookworm up to date for its software at the time of this report.
I would add I checked and found the source was actually downloaded in the src/kuserfeedback directory as it should be. Using ~/kde/src/kdesrc-build$ ./kdesrc-build --no-src kuserfeedback gets it to build and install. Then you need to use the --no-src again on the next failure you will get when installing something like discover as the same meta data error is repeated there to when it tries to download the package source.
Working ok for me for branch-group kf6-qt6. kde-builder kuserfeedback --src-only. Build is also ok. Also, metadata issues should go to the repo-metadata repo, not related to kdesrc-build/kde-builder.