Which of course does not work when building this repo using kdesrc-build: <<< PACKAGES FAILED TO BUILD >>> breeze-plymouth - file:///home/nate/kde/src/log/2023-10-17-02/breeze-plymouth/install.log * Installing "sample-kde-env-master.sh" would overwrite an existing file: * /home/nate/.config/kde-env-master.sh * If this is acceptable, please delete the existing file and re-run, * or pass --delete-my-settings and re-run. :-( Your logs are saved in file:///home/nate/kde/src/log/2023-10-17-02 # kdesrc-build running: 'gmake' 'install/fast' # from directory: /home/nate/kde/build6/breeze-plymouth Install the project... -- Install configuration: "RelWithDebInfo" -- Installing: /usr/lib64/plymouth/breeze-text.so CMake Error at breeze-text/cmake_install.cmake:60 (file): file INSTALL cannot copy file "/home/nate/kde/build6/breeze-plymouth/breeze-text/breeze-text.so" to "/usr/lib64/plymouth/breeze-text.so": Permission denied. Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake_install.cmake:47 (include) My CMake environment: > BACKGROUND_BOTTOM_COLOR black > BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOR black > CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo > CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON > CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /home/nate/kde/usr6 > DISTRO_LOGO plasma > DISTRO_NAME Fedora Linux 38 (KDE Plasma) > DISTRO_VERSION > ECM_DIR /home/nate/kde/usr6/share/ECM/cmake > INSTALL_BROKEN_PLYMOUTH_DATA OFF > KDE_CHECK_JSONSCHEMA_EXECUTABL KDE_CHECK_JSONSCHEMA_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND > KDE_CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE /usr/bin/clang-format > MATH_LIBRARY /usr/lib64/libm.so
It's been this way since forever? You have to build with INSTALL_BROKEN_PLYMOUTH_DATA=ON
Probably, I guess I only now started building it due to `kdesrc-build workspace` pulling it in, and I migrated to that to exercise what we're recommending in our documentation at https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/development/Build_software_with_kdesrc-build#Plasma_Desktop. Seems like when built from kdesrc-build, we should automatically pass INSTALL_BROKEN_PLYMOUTH_DATA=ON.
A possibly relevant merge request was started @ https://invent.kde.org/sdk/kdesrc-build/-/merge_requests/294