it was already slow, but now it's way too slow after last upgrade to 5.27.8/ 23.08.1 directory preview is already disabled and opening a drive or device takes long long time to show the directories or files once with the files in detail view, selecting all takes also a long time, mouse right click is disabled until all items appear, selecting cut/copy also takes another long time no error in the logs, I believe it has to do how the thumbnails are being created funny is that after they are created and so long as you don't close dolphin, the once opened directories open normally fast more funny, after closing dolphin the access is slow again even if the same place was opened some minutes before and the configured file preview, thumbnails in this case, becomes detailed view, switching to thumbs then they open quite normally Date Photographed is also still empty complete exif data is in the files and can be seen normally by any external, not kde program