mmqt hits an assert in modemdevice.cpp around here: ``` bool success = QDBusConnection::systemBus().connect(QLatin1String(MMQT_DBUS_SERVICE), QLatin1String(MMQT_DBUS_PATH), QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_MANAGER), QStringLiteral("InterfacesAdded"), this, SLOT(onInterfacesAdded(QDBusObjectPath, ModemManager::MMVariantMapMap))); Q_ASSERT(success); ``` OBSERVED RESULT mmqt assumes that modemmanager is always functional EXPECTED RESULT mmqt gracefully handles modemmanager failing to initialise due to e.g. hardware issues ADDITIONAL INFORMATION this causes downstream issues in kded and plasmashell, which causes much of the plasma session to become unfunctional due to code calling into mmqt
>mmqt gracefully handles modemmanager failing to initialise due to e.g. hardware issues That wouldn't cause this assert. We're blindly connecting a match rule to a slot. Nothing remote matters at all.
What will cause a failure is that this slot doesn't exist...