There are several issues in the home screen of kMymoney. 1) Assets & Liabilities: Grouping / arranging of different types of accounts not possible: Accounts should be groupable and the group's sum/total shall be calculated. The 2) Net Worth Forecast: a simple straight line is displayed, timeline cannot be adjusted (i.e. to show some month of past net worth in the left part of the graph, then today, then the forecast), and the balance does not show values or units. None of the chart can be zoomed, or ajusted in size or scale. All of that shall be scalable. 3) The tables are always using the whole window, and thus may be difficult to read, e.g. some text on the far left, and a number on the far right - the space between cannot be reduced. Tables should be adjustable in the dimensions / column width. 4) "Payment Accounts" kind of show the account structure by showing the account itself and its subaccounts, but the sum is not calculated. E.g. a super-acount "Cash" and then three subaccounts, e.g. "Cash Safe", "Cash Pocket", "Cash Wallet". All 4 "Cash accounts" are shown, but "Cash" does not contain the sum of all 3 subaccounts. Also there is no indentation of the subaccounts. It shall be possible to show the account structure, aggregate sums shall be possible, and indentation/grouping shall be possible. 5) "Payment Accounts" seem not to show any preferred accounts. When preferred account flag is set in "Edit Account" then the very account does not show up anymore in the Payment Accounts section. 6) "Payments" ticked on or off has no effect at all - this seems to be a dummy entry in the Configuration of the Home screen? 7) "Asset and Liabilities" show only the specific account currency, but do not show the current value in the main currency. Both currencies shall be shown. 8) How can the Home screen been configured - only via the Tools / Settings Menu? Or is there more that can be setup? A chart for stocks would be great, and another for accounts balance / total wealth.