When launching kdesrc-build with --resume-after (and --resume-from) options, it should count the modules as the numberings were in the full set of modules. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: I am building several components with `kdesrc-build plasma-workspace plasma-... ...`. It outputs: ``` Building extra-cmake-modules from frameworks (1/139) ... Building kcoreaddons from frameworks (2/139) ... ``` Now one of my modules fails to build (let's say `appstream` module). ``` Building appstream (46/139) appstream has failed to build ... Your logs are saved in file ... ``` I decide to fix that problem later and run the previous invoke with addition `--resume-after appstream` OBSERVED RESULT: ``` Building oxygen-icons5 from frameworks (1/93) ... Building kdecoration from kf6-workspace-modules (2/93) ``` EXPECTED RESULT: ``` Building oxygen-icons5 from frameworks (47/139) ... Building kdecoration from kf6-workspace-modules (48/139) ``` These changed numbers (current/total) are not wanted. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Operating System: Arch Linux KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.7 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.109.0 Qt Version: 5.15.10
Move to https://invent.kde.org/sdk/kde-builder/-/issues/70