A request to add alignments such as left, right, and center to the digital clock applet.
Why? What's the use case?
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #1) > Why? What's the use case? Currently, the digital clock applet is centered by default, which does look really nice in the center. But, when it's positioned on the sides of the panel, it might not align with everyone's preference, including mine. I think having the option to change the alignment would enhance the overall aesthetics and add more customization to the desktop environment.
Thanks. At the moment I don't believe we'll be able to implement this, as it seems like a rather niche feature and the code for the Digital Clock is extremely fragile. If and when we refactor it to be more robust, we might be able to consider it, but that won't be for a while, most likely. Thanks again for understanding!