SUMMARY *** Deleting an account is impossible while Scheduled Transactions exist for the respective account *** This particular criterion is not listed in the documentation. Deleting all of an account's transactions is the only criterion given to delete an account but as long as Scheduled Transactions exist, account deletion is not possible. Please add "Delete any existing Scheduled Transactions" to the documentation.
Further to my initial report - it is not possible to delete all Scheduled Transactions at once, i.e., there is no mechanism to highlight ALL those transactions which is indeed possible inside the account ledger. It would ease account maintenance considerably if that option were added.
First, the handbook for 5.1.3 is known to be out of date and incomplete in many areas. I am working on a complete review and update of the manual, but it will not be released until 5.2, which is not yet scheduled. A bug report is not necessary for me to complete that work. Also, there is an existing wishlist for a popup showing exactly why an account cannot be deleted. In terms of your report, a Scheduled Transaction can still be though of as a transaction referring to the account, so the handbook is technically correct, although I agree it does not provide sufficient detail. What I propose is to change this report to a wishlist requesting the possibility to delete multiple scheduled transactions at once. Currently, any action on a Scheduled transaction can only be done on one transaction at a time, so I don't know how difficult this would be to implement. Having the wishlist at least ensures it won't be forgotten.
Jack: I agree that implicitly the manual is correct in stating that an account can only be deleted as long as no transactions are associated to it, but as I said and you agreed - it may not be as obvious. Having a popup stating the reasons why account deletion cannot be performed is a good suggestion. I did not find any special action to request a documentation change or addendum - that's why I chose to enter it as a "bug". Changing the ticket status to WISHLIST is fine with me. Thanks for picking up on the matter.