SUMMARY Hi, I find confusing the use of the term "Guide" to refer essentially to a marker (with all the same characteristics of markers). Even so, because usually on image related programs, a guide is almost always some kind of visual aid you expect to find overlaid on the image, to help you in aligning or distributing elements. Another place of confusion is that currently the panel where the user manages the markers is named "Guides". For all of this, I would find more intuitive (and standard) to refer to these guides as "Timeline Markers", as opposed to "Clip Markers" (like other video editing programs, as Premiere Pro, already do). As a bonus, options like "Add Marker/Guide quickly" would simplify to just "Add Marker quickly"
More generally, the vocabulary around guides/markers/repères (I do not know what the English term for repère) is confusing. I thought that was a problem in the French translation of the interface (and it may be too), but reading this bug report, I fond the problem is deeper. Here what I experienced as a new user (of Kdenlive and of video editing in general). The (French) interface seems to be using *guide*, *repère* and *marqueur* interchangeably. To add a *repère* for a given clip, I can use the context menu from this clip in the timeline and select *Ajouter un repère* from the *Repère* submenu. To add a *repère* that is bound to the timeline, I can use the *Ajouter/supprimer le guide* entry in the context menu from the time scale at the top of the timeline. To manage existing *repères*, the most efficient way seems to be : activate the *Guides* panel in the View menu, then select either the sequence or a given clip in the Project sources panel (not in the timeline, this does not update the view). The *Guides* panel will then display what the *repères* for the selected object are. It is also possible to modify a *repère* for the timeline in the same context menu as described above, by selecting the *Modifier un guide* entry. However, for modifying a clip-bound *repère* from that clip context menu in the timeline, one would presumably have to use the *Modifier un **marqueur*** entry in the *Repères* submenu — would, because by me, this just gives an error pertaining to not being able to find the clip (WTF ?). I agree with the proposal to use the terms Timeline marker and Clip marker (and Marker as a roof concept).