kasts-master-597-windows-cl-msvc2019-x86_64.exe downloaded from https://binary-factory.kde.org/view/Windows%2064-bit/job/Kasts_Nightly_win64/ installs properly but launch fails with an error message about a failure to find an entry point with a dll file. In order to restore functionality I had to install the old kasts-master-573-windows-cl-msvc2019-x86_64.exe that I had saved. This occurs with Windows 11.
Full error message: ``` The procedure entry point ?accessibleRole@QQuickItemPrivate@@UEBA?AW4Role@QAccessible@@XZ could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files\Kasts\bin\Qt5QuickControls2.dll ```
This is something related to the windows build system on the KDE binary factory. I honestly have no clue where to start looking. I've raised the issue on the internal matrix channel for the windows builds, but no response yet.
This seems to have been fixed. Latest nightly works for me. PS: It could have been related to the build environment having a mix of qt versions due to the 5.15.9 --> 5.15.10 upgrade that was ongoing at the time.
*** Bug 470733 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I have confirmed that the new update is successful. I have personally tested kasts-master-626.