When using it to switch to an alternative applet, the old applet disappears, but the selected new one is never created. Console log shows the following output when it happens, which looks extremely suspicious: Jun 08 14:09:25 Liberator plasmashell[676561]: QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method ContainmentInterface_QML_159::createApplet(QString,QVariantList,QPoint) Candidates are: createApplet(QString,QVariantList,QRectF)
Git commit 57c219daa04a25cbd26dec99786c4c67b82dc85e by Marco Martin. Committed on 09/06/2023 at 07:32. Pushed by mart into branch 'master'. Adapt to api changes ContainmentItem createApplet with a qpoint parameter is gone use now the proper containment api, removing usage of invokemethod making it much more robust M +1 -7 shell/alternativeshelper.cpp https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-workspace/-/commit/57c219daa04a25cbd26dec99786c4c67b82dc85e