STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch Discover with a major distro upgrade available 2. Click the "Upgrade to [distro version]" button 3. Go to the Updates page manually (See Bug 469156) 4. Click on "Update all" button OBSERVED RESULT The update starts downloading and takes a while. At the *end* of this process, I am shown an authentication dialog. EXPECTED RESULT The authentication dialog should be shown at the *beginning* of the process.
I am pretty sure that is behavior from packagekit not us. We don't do authentication requests directly (except for snap?). Does pkcon show the same behavior?
Probably. But I'm not sure how to trigger this on demand. Is there a way to do so outside of waiting for a distro upgrade?
I don't think so. Maybe running `G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all /usr/lib/packagekitd -v --backend dummy --disable-timer` as root, but I think the dummy backend only has very few packages. If it happens the actual advanced data of the auth dialog would be interesting too.
If you can tell me how to get lots of logging, I can write that down and apply it before my next distro upgrade in 6 months. Or whenever I stop being lazy and install Fedora 39 in a VM and upgrade to 40.
Ha! Using an old ISO - genious! I've installed 39 and started an upgrade and indeed it first downloads without auth. The behavior is consistent with pkcon though, that too downloads without authentication. Like I said, we don't do the auth request, packagekit does.
Ok, so it's a packageKit issue. Opened to track that upstream.