I work with Kitra on Linux, I like graphic design and I make my models vectorized through krita vector layers, it helps me a lot as a tool, the problem is that when I need to use an object from another design downloaded from a WEB site like Freepik or Evanto only give you two formats: ai and eps. I understand that the ai format is from Illustrator which is completely proprietary and complex to use outside of Adobe products, but it would be a good idea if Krita could at least import or open EPS files just like gnome eye image viewer. Despite the fact that it does not respect the layers and imports everything in a single layer, it would still be very useful since I currently have to use online transformers from eps to svg and the results are not always good since they do not respect the gradient colors or transparencies in the glitters. I know most people use Krita for freehand drawing but I think currently Krita is the best vector software for Linux and therefore I think it would be a really good idea to have that compatibility support just for opening files.