Created attachment 157184 [details] Settings screenshot When I already have Dolphin windows open, and open a new window from a external application (for example the plasma USB mount popup), a new Tab is opened even when the setting for new tabs is disabled. I noticed this behavior change after upgrading form Kubuntu 20.04 to 22.04
> Dolphin version 21.12.3 There was some work on the relevant code for this bug in the last 12 month when work was done related to I was neither able to reproduce the bug reported here with Dolphin 22.08 nor with the yet-to-be-released 23.04 beta. I'll mark this as resolved. Feel free to re-open if you can reproduce it with a more recent Dolphin version.
There is no newer version available.
Dolphin version 21.12.3 stands for the version that was released in the year 2021, month 12 (December), third bugfix release. Kubuntu 22.04 is the Kubuntu version that was released in the year 2022, month 4 (April). The Kubuntu 22.04 version won't receive any new Dolphin versions that were released later than April 2022. This is out of KDE's control. From my testing, the bug that you are reporting has been fixed and released since then. Unless you upgrade your Kubuntu installation to newer versions e.g. Kubuntu 22.10 or the soon-to-be-released Kubuntu 23.04, you won't be able to upgrade to a Dolphin version that has the fix. Please only re-open if you have confirmed that this bug exists on those later versions. I literally can't do anything else because from my testing, the bug has already been fixed.
I don't know who is responsible for what. But 22.04 is the most recent LTS version, and there I except that bugs get fixed. I don't except new features, but bugfixes. That is the reason why I'm choosing a LTS Version. I want a stable system with as few bugs as possible, and for that I sacrifice to not always having the latest features. I would expect that when for what ever reason a Dophin 21.12.3 comes into the LTS Releases, that there will be a update to 21.12.4 fixing bugs. Especially bugs big enough to annoy me every day
Well, I am not sure what I am supposed to tell you. I do my development for KDE in my free time as a volunteer without payment. We are not payed to fix those bugs, so expecting anything to happen from our side is already a bit ill-advised. In this case though, we did actually fix the bug (AFAIK), so that's all we do about it. Dolphin has never had the concept of a long term support version. We release a new Dolphin version three times a year currently and support each of these versions with bugfixes for that third of a year. Now Ubuntu by the company Canonical comes along and offers a so-called long term support (LTS) version of their distribution. The idea of this LTS version is that it will receive security fixes for some amount of years ( They aren't even claiming that they will provide bug-fixes, only security fixes. So in this case they are true to their word. In the end, there is probably simply not enough money in this business to fix annoyances like these in older versions. I am not sure how much money you might have paid for your distribution, but none of it landed in the pockets of the KDE contributors that maintain Dolphin. If it was a good use of my time to maintain old versions instead of improving future releases, either because of a financial or a "the greater good" incentive, I wouldn't mind doing it. As it currently stands though, it isn't really feasible for us to provide long term support versions of Dolphin for free.
That Ubuntu Pages promises Hardware and Maintenance Updates. What ever that means. I have chosen a LTS Version to have a stable system, and get bugs fixed. I only upgraded because i got notifications that the old one isn't getting security updates in a few day. (Strange that I just read in the ubuntu wiki that my old version should have standard support until 2025, and final EOL in 2030) So if the KDE Team isn't maintaining it, who is it then? What would happened in a case of a security issue? When I do a apt-get install dolphin, it gives me that it is already at the newest version which is 4:21.12.3-0ubuntu1 And I also wonder how this bug can even come into a LTS release. I could understand it if its would be on a rare function that almost no one uses. But opening a new window should be a obvious test, or? Waiting two years to get a bug fixed that disturbs my workflow every day isn't really an option for me, so what can I do? I'm also happy to give some money, but first I can't find a way to donate specific for a application or even a bug, and second I'm not rich, so I could not afford to pay a full time developer. And well, I still have a few other new bugs that I haven't reported jet, but this one is the most annoying thing.
>So if the KDE Team isn't maintaining it, who is it then? >What would happened in a case of a security issue? Someone would let the KDE security team know Then someone would have to fix it. The various operating systems will be notified of this. It is the responsibility of the Kubuntu team that this fix is then available for their users. >And I also wonder how this bug can even come into a LTS release. As I mentioned above: There are no Dolphin LTS versions. The decision which Dolphin version to use for their Kubuntu LTS version is with the Kubuntu people. They might not have been aware of the issue, or they considered the bug not that important because it isn't a security issue for example. >Waiting two years to get a bug fixed that disturbs my workflow every >day isn't really an option for me, so what can I do? You can upgrade to a later Kubuntu version. Alternatively there is the backports repository for later versions of KDE software. You should be able to get a more up to date Dolphin version there while staying on Kubuntu 22.04. That would be here: I have never used that, but it is supposed to work without a problem. >I'm also happy to give some money, but first I can't find a way to >donate specific for a application or even a bug, and second I'm not rich, >so I could not afford to pay a full time developer. And well, I still >have a few other new bugs that I haven't reported jet, but this one is >the most annoying thing. Most projects in KDE do not have a way to receive direct donations. Instead donations go to KDE as a whole. There are some exceptions like Krita and kdenlive. Some individual contributors might take donations, but those are generally not meant for a specific purpose either. I am not sure how many would be willing to fix a specific bug because of a donation. You can ask in a chat to see if anyone wants to take you up on an offer. Here are the various ways to talk to people: Writing in a developer chatroom or making an offer on the mailing list might be your best bets. I personally would be interested in fixing bugs for pay. If it was sustainable for me to fix bugs, I could do it a lot more so that makes sense to me. If you want a specific bug fixed, you can send me an eMail and I'll give you an offer. The typical going rate for a c++ software developer is about 100€ per hour, but I would go way below that (depending on the work as low as 20€ per hour) if it is in line with what I consider important for our users.
You can also comment directly on bug reports that you want to see fixed and offer a bug bounty.