Dear developers, unfortunately, I have a problem with Kdevelop 5.6.2 that I couldn't solve even after extensive online research. Probably "I can't see the forest for the trees"! In all project templates that are relevant to me (cmake_plaincpp.tar.bz2 and cmake_plainc.tar.bz2), I have added a header to the main.cpp. There and as a separate text module I would like to implement the date and time. Sorry, that is not possible. Neither %{date} nor ${date} expand to the current date after inclusion in the source code. If I try to use the online text module by Milian Wolf (see below), "%{year}" is not expanded to the current year (2023) in my source code (main.cpp). Here is his snippet: /* * This file is part of KDevelop * * Copyright %{year} Milian Wolff <> * * This program .... . */ My own template should look like /usr/share/kdevcodegen/licenses/GPL v3: <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.> Copyright (C) <year> <copyright holder> by Attorney Georg Michael Steyer, Leverkusen Created on <day>.<month>.<year> Rev. 1.000.003 of <day>.<month>.<year> This program... But also here "<day>.<month>.<year>" are not expanded to the current date.
Maybe this date feature simply doesn't exist? I don't see anything date-related in the relevant code: You can implement the feature yourself if you need it badly enough.
There *is* <year>, <month> and <day> support, but only in file templates, not app templates:
Here is reformatted Milian's reply to the duplicate kdevelop-devel mailing list question: That area is also a bit messy in KDevelop, and not something I use frequently myself. First of all, can you please be more specific what kind of template/ snippet you are using? We sadly have basically three different systems in place: - new file template (#1) - new project template (#2) - text snippets to insert an open document (#3) > * Copyright %{year} Milian Wolff <> I assume here you are talking about the "snippets" plugin (#3), there the syntax would be: ${year()} And you'll have to provide a javascript function like this in the `scripts` tab: function year() { return new Date().getFullYear(); } > My own template should look like /usr/share/kdevcodegen/licenses/GPL v3: > Copyright (C) <year> <copyright holder> > But also here "<day>.<month>.<year>" are not expanded to the current date. For project templates (#2), we rely on grantlee which is similar to django in spirit. There, the syntax would be something like {% now "yyyy" %} if I'm not mistaken. The `<year>` token is only replaced for file templates (#1).