SUMMARY The new Custom Tiling is excellent! As a user who uses ALT-drag to move my windows, it could be improved by enabling ALT+SHIFT-drag or [configurable modifier key]-drag. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Configure as default with Alt as Modifier Key for Move (in Window Behavior>Window Actions) 2. Hold ALT+SHIFT (ALT to move, SHIFT to tile) 3. Click and Drag to move window to tiled position OBSERVED RESULT Tiling of the window being moved does not occur if the SHIFT key is pressed prior to beginning the drag. EXPECTED RESULT The window should drag to the tiled position if the shift key is pressed down at any stage in the gesture. It would be more intuitive for users of default config if it worked this way, rather than requiring ALT > drag > SHIFT > release in that very specific order. It would also be great if the Window Behaviour>Window Actions settings provided more configuration, like setting the modifier key or key combo for Move+Tile explicitly : eg Default might be ALT+SHIFT-drag, but user could set to META-drag. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Linux/KDE Plasma: 5.27.0 KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.0 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.103.0 Qt Version: 5.15.8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Hi, really appreciate work but to enhance new tiling feature, have some ideas inspired by other systems: ACTUAL BEHAVIOR: Generally, window managers allow moving windows by Alt/Meta + LMB (Linux axiom). Modifier isn't needed to end up action (you don't need to hold modifier to move the window, but only trigger moving). ENHANCEMENT: Using KZones script, it is possible to set Alt/Meta key as a tiling trigger. When both those modifiers are set same (system settings and KZones), usage is so convenient: the same key activates moving and tiling. No combinations with Shift or other. If moving is in progress, holding the modifier triggers tiling. Especially convenient if such a modifier is remapped to mouse buttons (e.g. MB4 or MB5), so pressing: MB5 + LMB to drag window, MB5 + RMB to resize, MB5 + MMB to close. The Shift key as a secondary hard-coded modifier gives another step of complication in such a setup. Wrapping up, IMO would be nice: when move window is needed, modifier + LMB triggers moving, but during moving, modifier activates tiling if held.
Hello, please submit a new bug report for each specific feature request. See for why. :)
Thanks Nate: not sure if the direction to add separate bug reports was directed at my original report, or Sidney's comment, or both? If you could clarify I'm happy to comply to help? From my original, would the split be a/ default behaviour with alt-drag, then b/configurable modifier keys as a separate request? On a first read of Sidney's comment I thought it was tangential, but now I think that it is actually much the same as the (b) part of mine about configuring modifier keys.
It was directed at Sidney. :)
*** Bug 491702 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 485152 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***