JPEG-XL images that have rotation ("jxlinfo image.jxl | grep orientation") are not loaded correctly rotated, despite autoRotation() enabled. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. find a JPEG image that has EXIF rotation 2. encode to JPEG-XL with "cjxl image.jpg image.jpg.jxl" 3. view both images with a KDE/Qt viewer OBSERVED RESULT The rotation is different between the images. EXPECTED RESULT The transformation() information is set correctly via QImageIOHandler::setOption() to automatically rotate the JPEG-XL image. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS KDE Frameworks Version: 5.102 Qt Version: 5.15.8
Can you send me: Original JPG images? The converted JXL file? Info what viewer/version are you using? Version of libjxl?
Orientation is supported by the JXL plugin and is part of the CI tests ( Orientation is natively supported by the JXL code stream and, by specification, the fields present in the code stream have precedence over the same ones present in the EXIF metadata (which by the way is strongly recommended to have them consistent). So even in this case the plugin behaves correctly (EXIF is not supported anyway). If the problem is the lack of Qt transform option (the image was always transformed following the orientation even if not requested), the problem has been solved by MR !233 ( If you still encounter the issue, please reopen this bug report attaching the JXL image.