Bug 463538 - NeoChat Flatpak crashes when logging in on Linux Mint 21.1
Summary: NeoChat Flatpak crashes when logging in on Linux Mint 21.1
Alias: None
Product: NeoChat
Classification: Applications
Component: General (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Mint (Ubuntu based) Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Tobias Fella
Depends on:
Reported: 2022-12-27 23:52 UTC by 318bcb
Modified: 2023-05-30 13:25 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description 318bcb 2022-12-27 23:52:31 UTC
NeoChat crashes after entering a username and password.

1. Run `flatpak run org.kde.neochat'
2. Enter your username
3. Click "log in with password"
4. Enter your password and click "log in"

NeoChat crashes.

I should be able to log in

Linux Mint 21.1 Cinnamon
NeoChat Version: 22.11 (flatpak)
Flatpak version: 1.12.6 
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.101.0
Qt Version: 5.15.7

The output on the terminal is as follows:

$flatpak run org.kde.neochat 
Gtk-Message: 18:48:32.869: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"
Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported
file:///usr/lib/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/templates/AbstractApplicationHeader.qml:37:5: Unable to assign SettingsPage_QMLTYPE_448 to Page_QMLTYPE_97
file:///usr/lib/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/ScrollablePage.qml:200:9: QML MouseArea: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
file:///usr/lib/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/ScrollablePage.qml:200:9: QML MouseArea: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://m/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://m/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host m not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://ma/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://ma/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host ma not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://mat/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://mat/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host mat not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://matr/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://matr/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host matr not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://matri/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://matri/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host matri not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://matrix/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://matrix/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host matrix not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://matrix.o/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://matrix.o/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host matrix.o not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://matrix.or/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://matrix.or/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host matrix.or not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://matrix.org/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.main: .well-known URL for "matrix.org" is "https://matrix-client.matrix.org"
file:///usr/lib/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/ActionTextField.qml:97:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool
quotient.e2ee: Error loading pickling key - please fix your keychain: 7
ASSERT: "maybePicklingKey.has_value()" in file /run/build/libquotient/lib/connection.cpp, line 677
Comment 1 Tobias Fella 2023-02-15 22:12:34 UTC
does this still happen for you?

if so, do you have gnome-keyring installed on your system?
Comment 2 318bcb 2023-02-16 22:50:27 UTC
1)Yes, it's still happening.
2)I have the gnome-keyring deb installed.
Comment 3 Tobias Fella 2023-02-16 22:54:05 UTC
You're using the flatpak from flathub and not from KDE's flatpak repo, right?
Comment 4 318bcb 2023-02-17 15:05:55 UTC
(In reply to Tobias Fella from comment #3)
> You're using the flatpak from flathub and not from KDE's flatpak repo, right?

Yep.  Flathub is the only remote I have configured.
Comment 5 Bug Janitor Service 2023-03-04 03:45:49 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as
possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug
tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with
no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

If you have already provided the requested information, please
mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is
ready to be confirmed.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 6 318bcb 2023-03-05 20:22:05 UTC
I provided the requested info.
Comment 7 Tobias Fella 2023-03-05 20:23:02 UTC
Yes, sorry, I've reset the status so the bug won't be closed
Comment 8 Tobias Fella 2023-05-02 21:16:47 UTC
Hi, sorry for getting back to this so late. I'm a bit confused by the error, according to the libQuotient source, the "7" should actually be a string that's more useful than "Other error" (which is code 7). There's been two releases of both neochat and libQuotient since your bug report, would you mind updating and checking if it still happens?
Comment 9 318bcb 2023-05-08 00:22:35 UTC
It's still happening with NeoChat 23.04.0 (flatpak).  I also tried uninstalling and deleting the app data (with the --delete-data flatpak flag) and reinstalling: it didn't make a difference.  Here's the terminal output from following the same steps as in the original report:

flatpak run org.kde.neochat 
Gtk-Message: 20:18:55.345: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"
Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://m/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://m/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host m not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://ma/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://ma/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host ma not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://mat/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://mat/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host mat not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://matr/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://matr/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host matr not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://matri/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://matri/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host matri not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://matrix/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://matrix/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host matrix not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://matrix.o/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://matrix.o/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host matrix.o not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://matrix.or/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.jobs: No valid HTTP headers from GET https://matrix.or/.well-known/matrix/client
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" status NetworkError: Host matrix.or not found
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob": retry #1 in 5 s
quotient.jobs: Won't proceed with the abandoned request: "GET https://matrix.org/.well-known/matrix/client"
quotient.jobs: "GetWellknownJob" stopped with empty network reply
quotient.main: .well-known URL for "matrix.org" is "https://matrix-client.matrix.org"
quotient.e2ee: Error loading pickling key - please fix your keychain: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown"
ASSERT: "maybePicklingKey.has_value()" in file /run/build/libquotient/Quotient/connection.cpp, line 379
Comment 10 318bcb 2023-05-08 00:29:01 UTC
So the error now has a string, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", instead of the 7 it had before.
Comment 11 Tobias Fella 2023-05-08 07:16:59 UTC
Is gnoe-keyring running?
Comment 12 Tobias Fella 2023-05-08 07:17:35 UTC
Meant to say "gnome-keyring", of course
Comment 13 318bcb 2023-05-08 21:24:37 UTC
I think so?  I don't really understand gnome-keyring, but the deb package is installed along with seahorse.  Running seahorse shows a bunch of keys.  I also tried running neochat while Seahorse is open and unlocked, and I got the same error message.
Comment 14 318bcb 2023-05-08 21:45:43 UTC
Also, gnome-keyring version shows:
gnome-keyring: 40.0
Comment 15 318bcb 2023-05-13 22:49:52 UTC
Extra information: I AM able to log in to the Quaternion flatpak, so whatever the issue is it doesn't affect all libquotient clients.
Comment 16 Tobias Fella 2023-05-30 13:06:16 UTC
There's been an update to the flatpak that probably fixes this; can you check?
Comment 17 318bcb 2023-05-30 13:25:52 UTC
I just checked and it works perfectly now.  Thank you so much!