Can't make Konsole playing sounds for notifications. What I do: * open Konsole window * go to "Settings" -> "Configure Notifications" * check "Play a sound" * select sound file. Example: /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav or /usr/share/sounds/KDE-Im-Cant-Connect.ogg * press "play" (▶) button near the sound file name. It's just silent after this. If I open pavucontrol window and look at it while pressing ▶ — there is no activity at "Playback" tab in this case. Other notifications like "show popup message" and "mark taskbar entry" work fine. Note: it's Fedora 37 x86-64 installation updating by `dnf distro-sync` for years, so some configuration could be outdated. Have no other sound issues here. Konsole 22.08.3 KDE Frameworks 5.101.0 Qt 5.15.7 plasma-workspace-
It lasted for months and got fixed several days after I created this ticket :) Problem disappeared after update to Konsole 22.12, maybe some other components as well.