When playing a video, in players such as windows player classic (on WinOS) or in VLC with pause click plugin (https://github.com/nurupo/vlc-pause-click-plugin), you can click in the window to pause it. It is a common expected behavior also on youtube. But in Dragon Player it is not working. Would be good if there is such function. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Open any video in Dragon Player 2. Click on the playing video (in the area of the picture itself in the window) OBSERVED RESULT Nothing happens EXPECTED RESULT Video is paused Dragon player version: 22.08.3
How does that work while using DVD menus?
Specially for testing I connected a dvd. In vlc in menu video it allows you to select clickable test, but after click and when start playing, it crashes. If disable plugin, then it does not crash. Probably this case was not tested by plugin (video filter) author. How I think it should work for dragon player: when it is showing dvd menu, then disable the pause click functionality to allow selecting items, because it does not make much sense anyway to pause the background video in the menu. And when playing actual video, then pause click should work.
I think we don't know when a menu is playing. A menu is really just a video.
Ok, but even if we assume we cannot detect a dvd menu, I still think the function is worth implementing. We can for example write a warning near enabling checkbox saying that dvd menu will not work with pause click enabled and you need to disable it if you want it to work. Because nowadays seeing dvd is much more seldom, but pausing by click is MUCH expected.
This seems a lot more work than it is worth, sorry.