Bug 461390 - EPub rendered with HUGE font.
Summary: EPub rendered with HUGE font.
Alias: None
Product: okular
Classification: Applications
Component: EPub backend (show other bugs)
Version: 22.08.3
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Okular developers
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Reported: 2022-11-03 23:26 UTC by iestynapmwg
Modified: 2024-06-23 16:11 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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screenshot (87.75 KB, image/png)
2022-11-03 23:26 UTC, iestynapmwg

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Description iestynapmwg 2022-11-03 23:26:27 UTC
Created attachment 153447 [details]

When opening an EPub file, the font is rendered in a HUGE size. I've checked the settings for the EPub backend, and changed them from the default to serif, 12 point. This is ignored... the text is displayed in a sans-serif font, with a size so large that only 5 characters will display on a line, 2 lines per page. (See screenshot attached.)
Comment 1 Milan Hauth 2024-06-23 15:49:01 UTC
still an issue

Okular Version 23.08.5
EPub Backend Version 0.2.3

sample epub file

on page 2 there are 2 lines

»Sei du selbst die Veränderung, die du dir wünschst für diese Welt« 
Mahatma Ghandi (1869–1948)

for the curious, the quote translates to
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

html: OEBPS/xhtml/halftitle.html

<p class="noindentd1"><i>»Sei du selbst die Veränderung ...«</i></p>
<p class="right">Mahatma Ghandi (1869–1948)</p>

css: OEBPS/css/9783280037188.css

.noindentd1 { font-size: 1em; }
.right { font-size: .9em; }

line 1 has normal size
line 2 is too large

line 1 has height 21px
line 2 has height 186px

186px should be 19px
so apparently
font-size: .9em
is parsed as
font-size: 9em

workaround: convert font size from short float to full float

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# convert css font size from short float to full float
# fix too large fonts in okular
import re
import sys
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f:
    css = f.read()
def replace(match):
    a, b, c = match.groups()
    #b = str(round(float(b) * 100)) + "%" # convert em to percent
    b = str(float(b)) + "em" # convert short float to full float: .9 to 0.9
    return a + b + c
css = re.sub(r"(font-size:\s*)([0-9]+|[0-9]+\.|\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)em(\s*;)", replace, css, re.S)
Comment 2 Milan Hauth 2024-06-23 16:11:00 UTC
fixed python code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# convert css values from short float to full float
# example: .9 to 0.9
# aka: expand minified float values
# fix too large fonts in okular
# TODO regex is bad. use a proper css linter: stylelint
# https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=461390
import re, sys
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f: css = f.read()
print(re.sub(r":\s*\.([0-9]+)([a-zA-Z]+)\s*;", r":0.\1\2;", css))