DragonPlayer has a playlist that auto-populates with items as you open then, and persists across launches. But it has no obvious way to remove items from the playlist. I can do it by right-clicking or by selecting and pressing the delete key, but these are not visible UI methods, and cannot be used without a pointing device and keyboard.
Dragon is only designed for use with a mouse and keyboard.
A possibly relevant merge request was started @ https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/dragon/-/merge_requests/11
Git commit d63540c1d589aad682ca829952e284a1c2251219 by Harald Sitter. Committed on 19/11/2022 at 11:16. Pushed by sitter into branch 'master'. add more visible clear button makes the feature more accessible M +8 -0 src/app/loadView.cpp M +1 -0 src/app/loadView.h M +61 -16 src/app/loadView.ui M +4 -0 src/app/recentlyPlayedList.cpp M +4 -0 src/app/recentlyPlayedList.h https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/dragon/commit/d63540c1d589aad682ca829952e284a1c2251219