SUMMARY *** Hi all, I'm on Pop OS (Ubuntu) 22.04 and starting the Krita 5.1.1 latest stable appimage results in an instant "segmentation fault" even before the splash screen, here's the terminal output: ``` [1] 74695 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./krita-5.1.1-5bf85ff1936-x86_64.appimage ``` I'm pretty sure this is a config issue related to my window manager as I've tested on these 3 wm's: - awesomewm: instant crash - i3: instant crash - Cosmos (Pop OS WM): no issue at all! Which proves that all necessary packages are installed on this machine. I've searched for this segmentation fault output error and found this 2019 thread about a missing LC_LOCALE envvar as the culprit. My locale is fine though, as can be seen here: ``` $ locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_US:en LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8" LC_COLLATE="en_US.UTF-8" LC_MONETARY="en_US.UTF-8" LC_MESSAGES="en_US.UTF-8" LC_PAPER="en_US.UTF-8" LC_NAME="en_US.UTF-8" LC_ADDRESS="en_US.UTF-8" LC_TELEPHONE="en_US.UTF-8" LC_MEASUREMENT="en_US.UTF-8" LC_IDENTIFICATION="en_US.UTF-8" LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 ``` I also tried to analyse all envvars by comparing the output of "env" on awesomewm vs. Cosmos, but I couldn't find any variable that seemed to be related to that. I also tried multiple versions of Krita over some months (5.0.1, 5.0.4, 5.0.7, 5.1.1) but all of them have the same issue on my machine. I also tried flatpak (5.1.1), which behaves pretty much the same, but the output is a bit different: ``` $ flatpak run org.kde.krita QIBusPlatformInputContext: invalid portal bus. Qt: Session management error: Could not open network socket QIBusPlatformInputContext: invalid portal bus. Qt: Session management error: Could not open network socket QIBusPlatformInputContext: invalid portal bus. Qt: Session management error: Could not open network socket QIBusPlatformInputContext: invalid portal bus. Qt: Session management error: Could not open network socket ``` After that it ends silently with a "SEGV" error code. Cosmos runs the flatpak version just fine, just as the appimage. What might be responsible for the segmentation fault on awesomewm?
Hi! Can you send the krita.log file? Or alternatively, any stacktrace that gets logged in your system's log?
Tried looking into that as well, it's just full of entries like this - nothing useful: ``` SESSION: 26 Oct 2022 14:17:13 +0200. Executing /tmp/.mount_krita-Pho0u6/usr/bin/krita Krita Version: 5.1.1 (git 5bf85f1), Qt version compiled: 5.12.12, loaded: 5.12.12. Process ID: 97646 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 Oct 2022 14:17:13 +0200: Style: fusion. Available styles: Windows, Fusion KRITA DID NOT CLOSE CORRECTLY ``` Don't see how I could retrieve a stracktrace.
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Can you check whether QT_PLUGIN_PATH is set? I seem to remember earlier problems with PopOS that set that variable globally, meaning Krita tries to load the global qt plugins as well.
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