SUMMARY Recreating this request as, turned in to a bug about flexible spacers. I would like the ability to set a panel spacer to a set percentage, so that if the monitor width changes, the distances of widgets are relative in the same space.
Is this really necessary if is fixed?
Well, yes and no. It is still a feature that would be nice to have, but with flexible spacers working I am able to customize the panel how I wanted. I will leave it up to you, if you think this would make the panel too complicated and too feature-rich (harder to maintain). I am fine with closing the request. However, if it is not too much work, I believe percentage would be easier than pixels for users (opinion based, might not be true for everyone).
Your choice, Niccolò.
Will do
Well, eventually I didn't, and looking back I'd like to avoid this. The reason is purely because the spacer options are necessarily hardcoded within the panel, and I'd like to keep those as simple as possible, code-wise. There also does not seem to be much interest in it.