Bug 460581 - Ability to set language (and hence correctly-translated XDG dir names) for new users being created
Summary: Ability to set language (and hence correctly-translated XDG dir names) for n...
Alias: None
Product: systemsettings
Classification: Applications
Component: kcm_users (show other bugs)
Version: master
Platform: Other Other
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Plasma Bugs List
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Reported: 2022-10-17 10:52 UTC by blackcrack
Modified: 2024-07-09 19:16 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description blackcrack 2022-10-17 10:52:36 UTC

at Creation an New User should also setting up an Language and 
under ~.config/user-dir.dirs and also setting up the xdg-user-dir for this user in the right Language
with Desktop-name, as example if de_DE = Schreibtisch ; elseif AE-AZ = طاولة الكتابه ; elseif  sg-ms = meja menulis
and so on, all is in the installer of Anakonda at "creating an User".
Also the User-ID and Group-ID and group membership should be adjustable for make an special UID and Group-ID for and the possible for add to an Group with coma to have the possible in KDE to config the User over Gui in a right way.

1.  open Konsole
2. type in kdmshell5 kcm_users
3. watch

Type of Account:Pulldown[Standart___________]
Confirm Passwort:[_________________]

Language :Pulldown[_us-EN_____] // Default entry Admin-Language (locale.conf LANG or default language System)
Name : [__________________________]
Username : [__________________________]
Type of Account :Pulldown[Standart___________]
Passwort :[__________________________]
Confirm Passwort :[_________________]

Extended Button: //for slide down (and let show more for able the Users to learn a bit too for handle it by self)
Desktop : [_/home/user/(The Desktopname in the Right Language)_______] //as Control if this okey because Language
UID : [_______________ ]  // (last UserID +1) as default
-  [ ] User own Group generating ? // if yes, create default Groupbane (User) + new nonexist groupid
Groupname : [_______________ ]  // Standartusergroup as default, Pulldown and Editable for create a new Group
GID : [_______________ ]  // Standartusergroup as default (check exist Groupid if exist-> Error at "Done/create Button")
Extra Group : [(weel [-])________________________]  // like Keywords and autopulldown/completeness what's today possible

Linux/KDE Plasma:  All versions
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version:  all versions
KDE Frameworks Version: all versions
Qt Version: all versions / 5+
Look actual kcm_users addon

for why it exist an GUI-Configurator if must go into cli to make it right ?
it's may better to have the whole informations in front and have the possible for full fill all complete  .. and not with lack of informations .... :)
If it makes.. then please right :) (or not?)

best regards :)
Comment 1 Bug Janitor Service 2022-10-17 11:34:05 UTC
Thank you for the bug report!

Please note that Plasma 5.25.5 is not supported for much longer by KDE; supported versions are 5.24, and 5.26 or newer.

If at all possible please upgrade to a supported version and verify that the bug is still happening there.