SUMMARY When a tag is linked to a bundle (i.e. has the storage_id of a bundle in the tags_storages table), then deactivating that bundle makes the tag disappear from the list of tags in the filter dropdown of resource choosers, even if it is used outside that bundle too. An example is the "demo" tag from the "Krita 3 Default Resources" bundle that exists after initializing a fresh resource folder. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Make sure the "Krita 3 Default Resources" is active, that should make the "demo" tag available for brush presets 2. Tag some preset outside the "Krita 3 Default Resources" with "demo" tag 3. Deactivate "Krita 3 Default Resources" bundle OBSERVED RESULT The tag disappears from the tag filter dropdown, as well as the available tags to assign to other presets. Only the resource tooltip of the preset you just tagged will still show it, but it's inaccessible otherwise. Since the database can only associate one storage with a tag, it doesn't seem possible to create a folder version from within Krita either. While you get notified that the tag already exists on the attempt to create it while the bundle is inactive, choosing the overwrite option doesn't seem to do anything. And using "Save Tags to Folder" in resource manager creates a .tag file, but the tags_storages entry is still set to the bundle, so the problem persists. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Tested with Krita master at 4ec1dd783197f4eda48a3867666483920f210e68 Unsure for how long this problem exists, I noticed some missing default tags a while ago (Ink, Paint, Sketch) with resource folder migrated from Krita 4, but forgot about it again. Apparently it was only worked around by adding folder storage .tag files for them, but the underlying issue still exists.
Hey, I'm very confused, I cannot reproduce with the Krita Version: 5.2.0-prealpha (git 5c98a72) Appimage with Qt 5.15.7. But at the same time we don't seem to have changed anything there in the past few months... Is this still happening?
Dear Bug Submitter, This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME due to lack of needed information. For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the wiki located here: If you have already provided the requested information, please mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is ready to be confirmed. Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Okay I just tested this again with master (31563e9), and this still happens. The issue gets hidden if you had used "Saved Tags to Folder" function in "Manage Resources" and then let Krita create a fresh cache by removing resourcecache.sqlite, so make sure to start with a fresh resource folder (or at least a fresh resourcecache.sqlite after making sure to remove all "demo.tag" files in subfolders, which don't exist by default). After that, the "demo" tag still disappears from the tag dropdowns when disabling "Krita 3 Default Resources" bundle, even when the tag is used outside the bundle too.
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