I'm using KDE 5.20.5 on MX-21.2. I have mounted SMB shares with fstab on Linux startup. If I copy files to the mounted share with Dolphin the file date is changed to the current date. If I copy the file with Dolphin directly to the share (not using the mount, but the smb:// folder in Dolphin) the original is retained. FreeFileSync preserves the original file date when the files are copied to the same SMB mounted share. SUMMARY *** File date is changed to present date when copied to a mounted SMB network share (/mnt/share) using Dolphin. Original file date is retained when the file is copied to the same network share using SMB:// folder in Dolphin. Original file date is retained when the file is copied to the same mounted SMB network share with FreeFileSync. *** STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Mount network shares with fstab on Linux boot. 2. fstab: //192.xxx.x.xxx/share /mnt/share cifs credentials=/home/user/.credentials,vers=1.0,uid=1001,gid=1001,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0. 3. Open Dolphin in split view. 4. Click on Dolphin window which contains source file. 5. Click on SMB network share mount in other Dolphin window. Share shows as /mnt/share. 6. Drag file from source window to SMB mounted share. OBSERVED RESULT File date is changed from original date to date that file was copied. EXPECTED RESULT Original file date should be retained. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Linux/KDE Plasma: KDE 5.20.5 on Linux MX-21.2 (available in About System) KDE Plasma Version: 5.20.5 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.78.0 Qt Version: 5.12.2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Kernel version: I need to mount this share as the NAS only supports SMB vers 1.0. If I don't mount the NAS share with the CIFS vers=1.0 option the share doesn't show up in Dolphin.
The date of files is sometimes changed to the actual date without doing anything. Even when copying a file from my NAS. Please keep always the original date! Please give us the possibility to change date and time of a file like in 'totalcommander'.