It would be helpful if Kate could show the End of Line type (unix/windows/mac) on the status bar for the displayed document. I was looking at two identical text files that had different file sizes. A 'Meld' comparison told they're identical. Finally using 'hexdump' I saw the different '0a' / '0d0a' characters. Of course, then I checked Kate's menu Tools->End of Line for both files and they were different, but that's not very pratical.
Seems overkill to show it in the statusbar, space is precious there so only very high priority/commonly found stuff lives there. That said, if there are any other editors that also show it maybe we can too
If one adds some configuration for that, no problem. But to show it per default is a no-go for me, I close to never in my life care for that. And I would assume most other people neither.
Git commit 88ce720d481aa26b0b7143a59c84eddd020c3475 by Waqar Ahmed. Committed on 15/08/2022 at 21:02. Pushed by waqar into branch 'master'. Optionally allow to show EndOfLine type in statusbar M +3 -0 src/dialogs/katedialogs.cpp A +84 -0 src/dialogs/statusbarconfigwidget.ui M +1 -0 src/utils/kateconfig.cpp M +1 -0 src/utils/kateconfig.h M +29 -0 src/view/katestatusbar.cpp M +3 -0 src/view/katestatusbar.h M +5 -0 src/view/kateview.cpp M +1 -0 src/view/kateview.h