On 2022-08-07, Krita's documentation website https://docs.krita.org/ has seemingly reverted all its translations back to years old versions, across all languages. For example, the Simplified Chinese version used to have 100% translation before this, but now it has been reverted to a version sometime when I was first translating it, presumably around 2018-03. Is there something wrong with the building system, or the translations has been synced incorrectly?
It should have started using the krita/5.1 branch, which comes from the master branch.
If that was the case, it would be only a few paragraphs missing, because you've updated than in the new branch. But the situation is clearly different this time, almost everything was gone. The translations still exist are years old versions of their former self, I don't think this is normal. The translation files of the documentation website in KDE translation SVN are still 100% (Simplified Chinese), nothing has changed. But they were not used by the website. Do you think we should wait a day for the SVN to resync and see whether it fixed itself?
That might work... But I suspect something just went wrong when changing the stable branch.
Ben, do you have any idea what could be up here?
Just for those that weren't on IRC/Matrix - I can't see any reason why this would happen unless something wasn't quite right on the scripty side of things.
Just my guess here, could it be KDE's translation SVN not getting the correct version of the PO files when we switched 5.1 to stable? Can we take the PO file of one page from the SVN that you have changed on this 5.1 switch, and see whether the new lines are there? Something weird happened a while ago, too. When fixed 2 paragraphs in Krita FAQ's page, I knew both strings were merged, but I only saw one of them updated till this day, the other one just disappeared... I hope this information can give you a bit clue?
This was actually fixed just now: Git commit b8fb86f7516cc1abbaab57126c3726c0e0108a7b by Luigi Toscano. Committed on 09/08/2022 at 09:03. Pushed by ltoscano into branch 'master'. Revert "Revert "get_paths: docs-krita-org now tracks krita/5.1"" The krita/5.1 branch now exists for docs-krita-org. This reverts commit fff2c7da76ab6878b347eaf4236e7e4634d3b537. M +1 -1 get_paths https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/l10n-scripty/commit/b8fb86f7516cc1abbaab57126c3726c0e0108a7b
Thank you!