SUMMARY As a user I don't want the unique modifier to have "_" as a hardcode first first character (as e.g. in "_01") but would rather appreciate the possibility to configure it, e.g. {unique:2,"your character here"} I'm using the following renaming scheme when importing pictures: Date_Time(including unique modifier)_"author's initials"_"camera".ext or more precicely: [date:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss]_BK_RX10.[ext] OBSERVED RESULT when renaming several pictures with some of the taken in the same second and therefore requiring the unique modifier they get renamed and imported in the following order: 2022-08-06_11-45-42_01_BK_RX10 2022-08-06_11-45-42_02_BK_RX10 2022-08-06_11-45-42_BK_RX10 2022-08-06_11-45-44_01_BK_RX10 2022-08-06_11-45-44_BK_RX10 The third and last pictures are out of order as they would actually have to be the first and fourth one. EXPECTED RESULT With the possibility to configure the first character of the unique modifier to e.g. "-" I could rename and import my pictures in the correct order: 2022-08-06_11-45-42_BK_RX10 2022-08-06_11-45-42-01_BK_RX10 2022-08-06_11-45-42-02_BK_RX10 2022-08-06_11-45-44_BK_RX10 2022-08-06_11-45-44-01_BK_RX10 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION With this being my first bug report / feature request please don't be to hard on me...
Git commit bd0075a92de5ff6c99cb53be7352f01e20aea539 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 07/08/2022 at 21:21. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. add configurable first character for the unique modifier FIXED-IN: 8.0.0 M +1 -1 NEWS M +9 -3 core/utilities/advancedrename/parser/modifiers/uniquemodifier.cpp