Bug 457595 - kwin_wayland crash in kinoite when opening system settings
Summary: kwin_wayland crash in kinoite when opening system settings
Alias: None
Product: kwin
Classification: Plasma
Component: wayland-generic (show other bugs)
Version: 5.25.4
Platform: Fedora RPMs Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KWin default assignee
Depends on:
Reported: 2022-08-07 17:21 UTC by jonikelee
Modified: 2024-06-28 03:47 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

journalctl -b -1 -r --no-pager output with stack trace from kwin_wayland core (224.50 KB, text/x-log)
2022-08-07 17:21 UTC, jonikelee

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description jonikelee 2022-08-07 17:21:34 UTC
Created attachment 151165 [details]
journalctl -b -1 -r --no-pager output with stack trace from kwin_wayland core

Running kinoite in qemu kvm, I get the following consistent crash when opening system settings. I know the crash has something to do with the current user's settings as another user account with different settings does not induce the crash.

The kinoite system has the 8/6/2022 updates:

KDE Plasma Version: 5.25.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.96.0
QT Version: 5.15.5
Kernel Version: 5.18.16-200.fc36.x86_64
Graphics Platform: Wayland
but it has been crashing this way across several updates.

Attached is journalctl -b -1 -r --no-pager output up to the crash.

(referred from: https://pagure.io/fedora-kde/SIG/issue/232)
Comment 1 Nicolas Fella 2022-08-07 17:28:04 UTC
Similar to https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=443075
Comment 2 jonikelee 2022-08-07 17:49:44 UTC
As suggested in https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=443075, when I rename ~/.cache and reboot, the problem disappears.

I have saved the original ~/.cache - do you need anything from it to debug this further?
Comment 3 Nicolas Fella 2022-08-07 17:52:28 UTC
Can you put .cache/plasma-svgelements back and see if the problem reappears?
Comment 4 jonikelee 2022-08-07 18:19:29 UTC
(In reply to Nicolas Fella from comment #3)
> Can you put .cache/plasma-svgelements back and see if the problem reappears?

No crash after doing that.
Comment 5 Nicolas Fella 2022-08-07 18:36:18 UTC
And when you do the same for .cache/plasma_theme_default_v5.96.0.kcache ?
Comment 6 jonikelee 2022-08-07 18:59:58 UTC
(In reply to Nicolas Fella from comment #5)
> And when you do the same for .cache/plasma_theme_default_v5.96.0.kcache ?

Still nothing.

Note that after the initial replacement of ~/.cache, once system settings were running, I made some minor changes to see if anything provoked the crash, and then changed them back.  Would that have perturbed my settings to the point where the old saved .cache contents can no longer provoke crashes?
Comment 7 David Edmundson 2022-08-07 22:05:09 UTC
                                      #3  0x00007f5013d43370 __strncmp_sse2 (libc.so.6 + 0xb6370)
                                               #4  0x00007f5014a313d7 _ZNK12SharedMemory14findNamedEntryERK10QByteArray (libKF5CoreAddons.so.5 + 0x313d7)
                                               #5  0x00007f5014a37686 _ZNK16KSharedDataCache4findERK7QStringP10QByteArray (libKF5CoreAddons.so.5 + 0x37686)
                                               #6  0x00007f50166f20a0 _ZN6Plasma5Theme11findInCacheERK7QStringR7QPixmapj (libKF5Plasma.so.5 + 0x730a0)
                                               #7  0x00007f50166e446c _ZN6Plasma10SvgPrivate11findInCacheERK7QStringdRK6QSizeF (libKF5Plasma.so.5 + 0x6546c)
                                               #8  0x00007f50166e4778 _ZN6Plasma3Svg5imageERK5QSizeRK7QString (libKF5Plasma.so.5 + 0x65778)
                                               #9  0x00007f4fbd05233e _ZN6Plasma12FrameSvgItem15updatePaintNodeEP7QSGNodePN10QQuickItem19UpdatePaintNodeDataE (libcorebindingsplugin.so + 0x3d33e)
                                               #10 0x00007f5012f25e48 _ZN19QQuickWindowPrivate15updateDirtyNodeEP10QQuickItem (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x2a5e48)
                                               #11 0x00007f5012f26372 _ZN19QQuickWindowPrivate16updateDirtyNodesEv (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x2a6372)
                                               #12 0x00007f5012f27f11 _ZN19QQuickWindowPrivate14syncSceneGraphEv (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x2a7f11)
                                               #13 0x00007f5012fb54cd _ZN19QQuickRenderControl4syncEv (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x3354cd)
                                               #14 0x00007f5015f75584 _ZN4KWin18OffscreenQuickView6updateEv (libkwineffects.so.13 + 0x3a584)
                                               #15 0x00007f5014f3a8c6 _Z10doActivateILb0EEvP7QObjectiPPv (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x2db8c6)
                                               #16 0x00007f5014f3dc5e _ZN6QTimer7timeoutENS_14QPrivateSignalE (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x2dec5e)
                                               #17 0x00007f5014f31155 _ZN7QObject5eventEP6QEvent (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x2d2155)
                                               #18 0x00007f5014431d22 _ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent (libQt5Widgets.so.5 + 0x1aed22)
                                               #19 0x00007f5014f07228 _ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x2a8228)
Comment 8 Vlad Zahorodnii 2022-08-09 10:35:21 UTC
Looks like corrupted cache can make KSharedData crash?
Comment 9 jonikelee 2022-08-09 13:53:46 UTC
(In reply to Vlad Zahorodnii from comment #8)
> Looks like corrupted cache can make KSharedData crash?

Can any unexpected result when trying to use the cache be caught, and proceed by invalidating the cache?
Comment 10 David Edmundson 2024-05-29 10:32:22 UTC
This bug is a crash report that is over a year old without any activity, as our software is always changing, the information in this ticket is unlikely to still be useful.

If this issue is still reproducible in a newer version of kwin (5.27.5 or 6.0) please reopen this ticket with a bumped version number or it will be closed in 30 days.
Comment 11 Bug Janitor Service 2024-06-13 03:46:58 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as
possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug
tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with
no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

If you have already provided the requested information, please
mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is
ready to be confirmed.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 12 Bug Janitor Service 2024-06-28 03:47:53 UTC
This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
30 days. The bug is now closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!