Please bring back the old clipboard behavior. When only the text selected by the mouse got into the history of the klipper. Now you can make klipper history to include not only the text selected with the mouse, but also the text selected with ctrl+a. This is quite inconvenient, especially if you often use "actions". Linux/KDE Plasma: KDE Plasma Version: 5.25.0 and newer
Can you clarify what exactly the old behavior was, and what you can't do anymore? Is there no setting to re-enable the behavior you aren't able to use?
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #1) > Can you clarify what exactly the old behavior was, and what you can't do > anymore? Is there no setting to re-enable the behavior you aren't able to > use? I don't know English so I use google translator. Sorry for the unclear writing. The old behavior is when you select text with the mouse and it appears in the klipper history. And when you select with the help ctrl+a does not get. This is a convenient behavior. It has existed for many years until recently. Example in this video: . The new behavior is when you select text with the mouse or with ctrl+a and it appears in the klipper's history. It's already uncomfortable. Example in this video: I would like this behavior to be customizable. So that it can be enabled so that only the text selected by the mouse gets into the history of klipper. I hope that's clearer...
Thanks, it's clear now. What's not clear to me is why this is a bug. If you have Klipper set up to automatically add selections to the clipboard, and you select everything with Ctrl+, why shouldn't it put that in the clipboard automatically? When you Ctrl+a, most of time aren't you about to copy the selection manually anyway?
I'll try to explain why it's not correct, from my point of view, when the text selected with ctrl+a goes to the clipboard. For example, you have copied some text and you are going to paste it on some website into a field that already contains text. There is no clear button, so to quickly delete this text, you need to select it with ctrl+a and then click the delete button. This selected text immediately gets into the buffer and klipper history, and the text you need in the history becomes one position lower. And before inserting it, you must first select it in the history of the klipper. And imagine what will go down in history if you don't get into the field with the mouse and press ctrl+a on some complex site with a lot of text... In the old behavior, you didn't have to do these extra steps. It would be very nice if it could be enabled in the settings so that only the text selected with the mouse gets into the buffer history. I hope my position is clear.
Dear Bug Submitter, This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME due to lack of needed information. For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the wiki located here: If you have already provided the requested information, please mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is ready to be confirmed. Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Got it, thanks.
Hi. It's been 11 months, but no changes. Does this bug cause discomfort only to me?
I think the new behavior is rather unconvenient and not only about CTRL+A. In the past, when I selected something (with mouse or keyboard), it ended up in the clipboard history (I could find it with CTRL+ALT+V and copy it again). Such a mouse-selection would also be pasted with middle-mouse-click (good). But it was not pasted during CTRL+V. It behaved, as if there are two levels of "copied": - the explicit copy with CTRL+C or selection with CTRL+ALT+V (what you could paste with CTRL+V) - the text selection, that was pastable with the middle mouse button. (while both would end up in the history). That was perfect. Now, it seems everything that ends up in the history, is also pasted during CTRL+V. For example, imagine you select TEXTA and copy with CTRL+C. Then you switch to a input text field and press CTRL+A (or select only a paragraph, that you want to be replaced). Now press CTRL+V. Previously, this would have pasted TEXTA, as desired. Now, the most recent selection gets pasted. Very cumbersome. What I do then, I delete first what I wanted to replace, press CTRL+ALT+V to find the earlier TEXTA selections, copy it again, and paste it. The alternative is to not put selections in the clipboard history, but that is also not what I want, because the clipboard history is very useful to contain all selections. I don't think that the configuration menu allows to restore the previous behavior.
*** Bug 464286 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
One thing i noticed: When editing fields under kde settings>network, when I focus some field, it will (always, infuriatingly) select the entire contents every single time, no matter if i just placed the cursor somewhere before focusing kate to copy some IP address, when i move back, the previous field is select-all'd... BUT, it never places the selection in the clipboard when selecting the text that way. just thought it is relevant here.
How to avoid that keyboard selection put text on clipboard? ie: Ctrl+Shift+Arrow or Shift+PgUp or Shift+End I just want to clipboard when doing MOUSE selection, not keyboard selection.