This made much of the appeal of the old implementation till Plasma 5.22: The last window, the nearest to you 1) was bigger, so you could better see its content 2) was dashing at your direction and when you tabbed further, disappearing just in front of you ('bigger than real'), which gave it a playful character. For comparison, see a video of the old Kwin implementation of this effect, watch it in slo-mo: The reimplementation since 5.24 has a distanced perspective. The top window is smaller, never gets bigger than it would be on the desktop at the out transition and in general, it looks like it is filmed with a wide angle objective lens. It’s not the same fun the old effect has had. I recommend to change the perspective to a bit more middle-window view. »Move the camera a bit more to the right and come two steps closer.« This reimplementation is compensating lacking transparency with this wider viewing angle. Reimplementing transparency would fix that.