Bug 455606 - Baloo loses track of files if renamed with a link/unlink
Summary: Baloo loses track of files if renamed with a link/unlink
Alias: None
Product: frameworks-baloo
Classification: Frameworks and Libraries
Component: Baloo File Daemon (show other bugs)
Version: 5.95.0
Platform: Neon Linux
: NOR minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: baloo-bugs-null
Depends on:
Reported: 2022-06-19 12:11 UTC by tagwerk19
Modified: 2023-07-10 16:13 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description tagwerk19 2022-06-19 12:11:03 UTC
    In certain cases, baloo does not notice that a file or folder has been renamed.

    Baloo recognises that a file or folder has been renamed with a 'mv'. If however
    the rename is done by creating a hard link with the new name and then deleting
    the original (as might be done to avoid overwriting a destination file without
    risking a race condition) baloo treats the file/folder as deleted.

    Install inotifywait and create a test file:

        $ cd Documents
        $ echo "Hello Penguin" > file1.txt

    Open two windows, run "inotifywait -m Documents" in one
    and "balooctl monitor" in the other.

    Rename the test file with mv:

        $ mv file1.txt file2.txt

    Recreate the testfile and rename it with

        $ echo "Hello Penguin" > file1.txt

        $ balooshow file1.txt

        $ ln file1.txt file2.txt

        $ balooshow file2.txt

        $ rm file1.txt
        $ balooshow file2.txt

    When renaming with "mv", you see inotifywait showing the rename and
    baloo tracks the change.

        Documents/ MOVED_FROM file1.txt
        Documents/ MOVED_TO file2.txt

    When linking a new name and unlinking the old, baloo sees the file (as
    it had the same ID) as deleted:

        $ echo "Hello Penguin" > file1.txt

        $ balooshow file1.txt
        1493810000fc01 64513 1348481 file1.txt [/home/test/Documents/file1.txt]
                Mtime: 1654284118 2022-06-03T21:21:58
                Ctime: 1654284118 2022-06-03T21:21:58
                Cached properties:
                        Line Count: 1

        $ ln file1.txt file2.txt

        $ balooshow file2.txt
        1493810000fc01 64513 1348481 file2.txt [/home/test/Documents/file1.txt]
                Mtime: 1654284118 2022-06-03T21:21:58
                Ctime: 1654284118 2022-06-03T21:21:58
                Cached properties:
                        Line Count: 1

        $ rm file1.txt

        $ balooshow file2.txt
        1493810000fc01 64513 1348481 file2.txt: No index information found

    with inotifywait showing:

        Documents/ CREATE file2.txt
        Documents/ DELETE file1.txt

    A rename and a link/unlink behave the same way. In an ideal world(*) baloo
    should be able to cope with a link/unlink.

    KDE neon Unstable Edition
    Plasma: 5.25.80
    Frameworks: 5.95.0
    Qt: 5.15.4

    Investigated because of:


    with an underlying change:


    This seems to have been around for a while but it's not clear how
    often this "link/unlink" behaviour actually happens - if I look with
    strace, it shows Dolphin doing a "rename".

    There is a thread:


    saying that the code falls back to link/unlink if a renameat2 fails

    The "*" is there because baloo is built round a one file / one identifier
    model, multiple hard links will confuse it. Some extra magic would be needed.