I've found in the documentation, that I can schedule an operation without creating a template. It's not obvious how to do this (could be improved too), seems the only way is to change this in the settings. By default Skrooge creates a template on scheduled operation create. I have several scheduled template operations and I want to remove templates since I don't need them (and I want to reduce the amount of templates) but it's not possible: when I remove a template, the scheduled operation will be removed too. It also would be possible to work-around after implementing the bug 455427
Hello, As you are aware, a "scheduled operation" refers to a predetermined schedule (including next occurrence, number of occurrences, periodicity, etc.) of an existing operation template. In the event that the template is deleted, the scheduled operation cannot remain as it would have no schedule to follow, resulting in its removal as well. Please note that this is the intended behavior and not a bug. Therefore, I will be closing this ticket. However, if you disagree with this explanation, please feel free to reopen the ticket with your expectations clearly stated.
Hi Stephane, Sorry, I've missed notification for your response. As read from the documentation, we have two types of schedules: template and non-template. I think both are useful, see my arguments below if you are disagree. The problem is that if one need to create a specific type, the only way is to change the required type in options before scheduling an operation. Also if one will change options to create template schedules, Skrooge will convert all schedules to template ones - not what I would expect. To convert a template operation to a non-template one, the code should find the latest operation linked to the schedule and make it to be the reference to the schedule and remove the template. If we have only a template (and no operation linked to a schedule yet), then the conversion isn't possible. I've implemented the changes, see MR 34. It seems that there was (unknown to me) reasons to have only template schedules and treat non-template ones as some legacy, but I think we better allow to have both types. I think we need templates when we're going to add additional operations with same category/payee/account/etc in addition to operations, that are added by processing a schedule. An example: we pay each month 10€ for mobile communication and receive some minutes of mobile calls and some megabytes of mobile internet. We can schedule such payments. But sometimes we can have irregular additional expenses for mobile communication: - a payment for additional minutes or megabytes of mobile internet; - a payment for roaming if we're going to use the mobile phone during a travel to another country; - a payment for some international calls. Here a template could be useful and we can use it to quickly add an additional operation for irregular expenses. For some operations it will be unlikely that additional irregular ones will arise and we don't need to create useless templates in this case. As an example of such operation one could see a stock-based compensation from an employer. If a person receives a grant, it will be vested with some regular period and the amount of shares is finite and there shouldn't be any additional operations - therefore we don't need any template here. Another example could be utility payments. For example, one could pay for electricity each month and it's unlikely that there will be any additional payments. The payment could increase over time due to inflation and with non-template schedule if we change the amount in the latest operation, the next created operation will be with this new amount, which is useful.
Git commit a7aad1653a73b6d12147e30abaef9d83a007329d by Nikita Krupenko. Committed on 09/12/2023 at 13:46. Pushed by smankowski into branch 'master'. UI: Allow to change the template mode of a scheduled operation This will create/remove a template if needed. M +4 -0 doc/index.docbook M +- -- doc/scheduled.png M +26 -1 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_scheduled/skgscheduledpluginwidget.cpp M +8 -0 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_scheduled/skgscheduledpluginwidget_base.ui https://invent.kde.org/office/skrooge/-/commit/a7aad1653a73b6d12147e30abaef9d83a007329d
Git commit 317211fc72ee182bd98b4c2404bed7679c21822f by Nikita Krupenko. Committed on 09/12/2023 at 13:54. Pushed by smankowski into branch 'master'. UI: Don't create templates for a schedule by default Since one can now easily convert a schedule to a template mode, we don't need to create templates by default. This allow to avoid creation of multiple unneeded templates. Also this behavior is exacly what the documentation states. M +1 -1 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_scheduled/skgscheduled_settings.kcfg https://invent.kde.org/office/skrooge/-/commit/317211fc72ee182bd98b4c2404bed7679c21822f