Bug 454005 - Improve workflow with "Actions (or methods) to folders" (KFlow?)
Summary: Improve workflow with "Actions (or methods) to folders" (KFlow?)
Alias: None
Product: dolphin
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Unspecified
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Dolphin Bug Assignee
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Reported: 2022-05-18 17:23 UTC by Cain-dev
Modified: 2022-05-18 17:23 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Cain-dev 2022-05-18 17:23:05 UTC
This is very conceptual and may be long but please bear with me, i think it's worth it xD

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about Ranger File Manager and he told me "it's amazing how fast and efficient it is but i wanted to solve everything just based on directory navigation, like when i hit enter when selecting a image on my Wallpapers directory it doesn't open the image, it sets the image as wallpaper... Use the directories like buttons for some action, like this:  

Folder: 'Do you want to enable hibernation'?   File: 'No'
                                                                                   File: 'Yes'

And then we thought a little about it what other actions would be interesting for this type of situation, we found case after case that this could improve our workflow a lot, and then i thought: "yeah, 'cause it's useless to have a 'open action' as the default one inside user 'wallpapers' folder with the preview layout, the default action there should be just 'set as wallpaper, 'cause you made the directory and you know what images are there and you can see what image it is on the preview already'

And then he says: "same for renaming files in a "familly album" diretory, every file there should be 'date/hour'.png or 'add to queue' in a 'music library' folder, every double click there should open the folder as a queue playlist"

And then we thought in situations where the directory structure should automatically do something (google drive folder that checks and uploads everything ther), or have specific actions or change the default option to something else or even change the context menu, ('cause we can basically map only the "context menu" we want on a terminal file manager). 

And then we analyzed how most people we know use a computer to download Youtube videos:

1 - They create a folder named "Youtube Videos"
2 - They download a software like aTube Catcher
3 - They go to the Youtube video they want to download
4 - They copy the url
5 - They paste the url on the software
6 - They hit download
7 - They select the "Youtube Videos" folder

IF the FOLDER ITSELF had the "download youtube video" as action, a drag and drop should be enough to download the video for that folder.

So, the idea is something like this:

Most GUI File Managers on most systems work like this:

You CAN associate a file to a program
You CAN 'open all' on a folder  with a program
You CAN use a program to automatically do something on a folder
but you CAN'T associate (at least in a graphical way) the folder itself to a specific action 

if we could do that, the "Youtube Videos" folder could have an association like: "drag and drop url means > youtube-dl url"
Same for "familly album" folder: "drag and drop here means > rename to date,hour.png"
Same for "Wallpapers" folder: "double click here means > set as wallpaper"
Same for "Music Library" folder: "double click here means > "open every .mp3 file on this folder as queue playlist for amarok"

I can think of dozens and dozens of situations like this, that a folder on a file manager SHOULD have a semantic for the system, that could improve a lot the workflow.

In resume, the concept is to Make THE FOLDER have association to a program or action.

I honetsly think that this would improve workflow... A LOT!

Ok, but let's be more pragmatic, how to make it possible?

To start, a GUI option "Add Action to Folder:" With options like:
[ every time / every  file ]  > automatically do something to all files every time you open the folder ( useful for something like 'check size, directory structure', check and upload to the cloud )  
[ new files / all extensions ] > automatically do something on every NEW file ( useful to rename files, convert)
[ new files /  .extension]  > automatically do something with all files with the specific extension ( useful to rename, add to queue)
[change double click to: ] > changes the double click action (useful to set as wallpaper on double click)
[ drag and drop ] > do something to everything dropped there (useful to download url, convert files)

On the context menu when right clicking and setting something like a bash script for this condition should be a great start as a prototype. Maybe on the future implement specific actions on KDE apps to this kind of workflow or maybe even a dedicated program to map actions and conditions to folder and see every action and condition....

 Any questions?