SUMMARY *** When there is future transactions in the ledger and you turn off the "Show group header between transactions" the app leaves a blank line where the "Future transactions" resided. All other lines are removed such as Next month, Next week, Last month, Last year, etc. *** STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Enter transactions in the ledger for the future 2. Turn off headers in the Settings>Configure KMyMoney>Ledger>Display by unchecking the Show group header between transaction box 3. Observe where the future transactions resided which now contains a blank line. EXPECTED RESULT There shouldn't be a blank line when Show group header between transaction box is unchecked.
Ignore my "Last year" in the removed portion of the 3rd line. Actually I should have stated "Previous fiscal year". This remains after turning off along with Current fiscal year Also it could be that the wording of "Future transactions" should remain when turning this off depending on the intention of turning off Show group header between transaction. Ultimately I don't think there should be a blank line.
Moved to 'general' components