SUMMARY *** On a component diagram, moving a component which has ports to which associations are attached leaves the associations at their original positions, i.e. the associations do not move along with their ports and appear "orphaned". *** STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Create a component diagram with a component and another object such as a second component or an interface. 2. Create a port on the (first) component. 3. Create a unidirectional association from the port to the second object. 4. Move the (first) component. OBSERVED RESULT The unidirectional association remains unmoved at its original position. EXPECTED RESULT The association shall move along proportionally such that it remains attached to its port at all times. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Umbrello 2.34 and git master up to commit 253f318 (2022-05-13)
Git commit 098ed160f0d7d0615532ee1a0a4e69ed8ad06df8 by Oliver Kellogg. Committed on 16/05/2022 at 18:34. Pushed by okellogg into branch 'master'. Fix "Associations attached to ports are orphaned by move of the component" umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidget.cpp - Reduce PIXEL_TOLERANCE to 20. - In function linePathStartsAt, on initializing wX and wY use widget->getX() and widget->getY(), respectively. FIXED-IN: 2.34.70 (KDE releases 22.07.70) M +3 -3 umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidget.cpp