SUMMARY When I try to open any file using kioclient or kde-open, Dolphin opens first. Then it opens the application I want to open, but it will also open all the files I have opened before if I don't close all the tabs of Dolphin before. STEPS TO REPRODUCE kioclient exec <path/to/a/file> OBSERVED RESULT See summary. EXPECTED RESULT Only the required application is opened with the used file. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS: $ lsb_release -a LSB Version: n/a Distributor ID: ManjaroLinux Description: Manjaro Linux Release: 21.2.6 Codename: Qonos $ plasmashell --version plasmashell 5.24.4 $ kf5-config --version Qt: 5.15.3 KDE Frameworks: 5.92.0 kf5-config: 1.0 $ uname -o -m -s -r -v Linux 5.15.32-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Mar 28 09:16:36 UTC 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Works for me. What happens if you use `xdg-open` instead?
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #1) > Works for me. What happens if you use `xdg-open` instead? I tested it, I got the same result :-(. I do not know, why this is happening. Theoretically, if I remember well, I did not change anything in my OS settings. I have another PC running the same OS (Manjaro with KDE) and there I don't have this problem.
Sounds like the MIME type data on your system has gotten messed up, if xdg-open does it too. That means no KDE code is involved, so that part of the issue isn't a KDE problem. Can you run `file --mime-type <path/to/a/file>` and tell me what it says? And can you attach ~/.config/mimeapps.list?
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #3) > Sounds like the MIME type data on your system has gotten messed up, if > xdg-open does it too. That means no KDE code is involved, so that part of > the issue isn't a KDE problem. Maybe, I do not know :-(. > Can you run `file --mime-type <path/to/a/file>` and tell me what it says? $ file --mime-type ~/Downloads/account.move.csv Letöltések/account.move.csv: text/plain > And can you attach ~/.config/mimeapps.list? $ cat ~/.config/mimeapps.list [Added Associations] application/x-remmina=org.remmina.Remmina.desktop; inode/directory=org.kde.dolphin.desktop; message/rfc822=userapp-Thunderbird-7FGR50.desktop; video/x-matroska=vlc.desktop;Player.desktop;QMLPlayer.desktop; x-scheme-handler/http=google-chrome.desktop;firefox.desktop; x-scheme-handler/https=google-chrome.desktop;firefox.desktop; x-scheme-handler/mailto=thunderbird.desktop;userapp-Thunderbird-7FGR50.desktop; x-scheme-handler/rdp=org.remmina.Remmina.desktop; x-scheme-handler/remmina=org.remmina.Remmina.desktop; x-scheme-handler/spice=org.remmina.Remmina.desktop; x-scheme-handler/tg=userapp-Telegram Desktop-LIH830.desktop;userapp-Telegram Desktop-30G5H1.desktop; x-scheme-handler/vnc=org.remmina.Remmina.desktop; x-scheme-handler/file=org.kde.dolphin.desktop; [Default Applications] application/x-remmina=org.remmina.Remmina.desktop inode/directory=org.kde.dolphin.desktop; message/rfc822=userapp-Thunderbird-7FGR50.desktop text/html=google-chrome.desktop video/x-matroska=vlc.desktop; x-scheme-handler/callto=skypeforlinux.desktop x-scheme-handler/etcher=balena-etcher-electron.desktop x-scheme-handler/http=google-chrome.desktop; x-scheme-handler/https=google-chrome.desktop; x-scheme-handler/mailto=userapp-Thunderbird-7FGR50.desktop x-scheme-handler/oerpopen=oerp_local_folder_opener.desktop x-scheme-handler/rdp=org.remmina.Remmina.desktop x-scheme-handler/remmina=org.remmina.Remmina.desktop x-scheme-handler/sgnl=signal-desktop.desktop x-scheme-handler/signalcaptcha=signal.desktop x-scheme-handler/skype=skypeforlinux.desktop x-scheme-handler/spice=org.remmina.Remmina.desktop x-scheme-handler/tel=org.kde.kdeconnect.handler.desktop x-scheme-handler/tg=userapp-Telegram Desktop-30G5H1.desktop x-scheme-handler/viber=viber.desktop x-scheme-handler/vnc=org.remmina.Remmina.desktop x-scheme-handler/webcal=google-chrome.desktop x-scheme-handler/ytmd=Electron.desktop x-scheme-handler/file=org.kde.dolphin.desktop;
Can you remove the two `x-scheme-handler/file=org.kde.dolphin.desktop;` lines and see if that fixes it?
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #5) > Can you remove the two `x-scheme-handler/file=org.kde.dolphin.desktop;` > lines and see if that fixes it? ahh, yeee, finally, it works normally!!!! Thx, Nate, very much!!!
Looks like your config file had some corrupt entries in it, yeah. We don't add those so I don't think it's a KDE bug.
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #7) > Looks like your config file had some corrupt entries in it, yeah. We don't > add those so I don't think it's a KDE bug. I don't know which application(?) put these lines here. I didn't do it, that's for sure :-)