Late-dock takes about 15 seconds to start in X11. It happens both at plasma startup and when launched from the command line. In Wayland in takes much less, about 6 seconds. Please find below what the debug mode says. The major delays seem to happen in the last few lines, where it deals with screen geometries? I think I have started noticing this slow startup in the last few weeks, perhaps coinciding with Plasma 5.24. ************* [Debug : 10:44:57.156156] - "badges based on position updated to :: (\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"z\", \"x\", \"c\", \"v\", \"b\", \"n\", \"m\", \",\", \".\")" [Debug : 10:44:57.156156] - "badges for applet shortcuts updated to :: QHash()" [Debug : 10:44:57.175175] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Dash To Panel\" [ \"org.kde.latte.dashtopanel\" ] - [ \"/home/dce/.local/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.dashtopanel\" ]" [Debug : 10:44:57.176176] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Latte\" [ \"org.kde.latte.default\" ] - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/default\" ]" [Debug : 10:44:57.176176] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Plasma\" [ \"org.kde.latte.plasma\" ] - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.plasma\" ]" [Debug : 10:44:57.176176] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Unity\" [ \"org.kde.latte.unity\" ] - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.unity\" ]" [Debug : 10:44:57.176176] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Estilo de pestaña Plasma\" [ \"org.kde.latte.plasmatabstyle\" ] - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.plasmatabstyle\" ]" [Debug : 10:44:57.177177] - "\"Latte\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.177177] - " IMPORTER, STORAGE TEMP DIR ::: \"/tmp/lattedock-ZlZZMI\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.178178] - "---------------- Plasma Screen Ids ------------------" [Debug : 10:44:57.178178] - "1 __ \"HDMI-1\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.178178] - "2 __ \"DP-2\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.178178] - "3 __ \"Screen30\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.178178] - "---------------- --------------- ------------------" [Debug : 10:44:57.184184] - " Windows default color scheme :: \"/usr/share/color-schemes/BreezeClassic.colors\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.186186] - " KWIN SERVICE :: is available..." [Debug : 10:44:57.189189] - "package is valid true" [Debug : 10:44:57.189189] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"10\" : \"HDMI-1\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:44:57.189189] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"11\" : \"eDP-1\" : QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:44:57.189189] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"12\" : \"DP-2\" : QRect(0,0 1024x768)" [Debug : 10:44:57.189189] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"13\" : \"DP-2\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:44:57.189189] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"14\" : \"eDP-1\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:44:57.189189] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"15\" : \"HDMI-1\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:44:57.189189] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"16\" : \"eDP-1\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:44:57.189189] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"17\" : \"DP-2\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:44:57.189189] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"18\" : \"HDMI-A-1\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:44:57.189189] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"19\" : \"\" : QRect(0,0 0x0)" [Debug : 10:44:57.189189] - "Latte::Corona the package QJsonObject({\"KPlugin\":{\"Authors\":[{\"Email\":\",\",\"Name\":\"Michail Vourlakos, Smith Ar\"}],\"Description\":\"Shell provided for the Latte Dock\",\"Description[az]\":\"Latte Dok paneli üçün nəzərdə tutulan üzlük\",\"Description[ca@valencia]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat per l'acoblador Latte\",\"Description[ca]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat per l'acoblador Latte\",\"Description[da]\":\"Skal til Latte-dokken\",\"Description[de]\":\"Shell für Latte-Dock\",\"Description[el]\":\"Κέλυφος που παρέχεται από την εφαρμογή Latte\",\"Description[en_GB]\":\"Shell provided for the Latte Dock\",\"Description[es]\":\"Shell proporcionada para Latte Dock\",\"Description[et]\":\"Latte doki shell\",\"Description[eu]\":\"Shell-a Latte Dockentzat\",\"Description[fi]\":\"Latte-telakalle tarjottu käyttöliittymä\",\"Description[fr]\":\"Interpréteur de commandes fourni pour le panneau Latte\",\"Description[gl]\":\"Intérprete de ordes fornecido para a doca Latte.\",\"Description[id]\":\"Shell disediakan untuk Dock Latte\",\"Description[it]\":\"Shell fornita per Latte Dock\",\"Description[ko]\":\"Latte 독용 셸\",\"Description[lt]\":\"Latte dokui teikiamas apvalkalas\",\"Description[nl]\":\"Shell geleverd voor de Latte Dock\",\"Description[nn]\":\"Skal frå Latte-dokk\",\"Description[pl]\":\"Powłoka dla doku Latte\",\"Description[pt]\":\"Consola oferecida para a área acoplável do Latte\",\"Description[pt_BR]\":\"Shell fornecido pelo Latte Dock\",\"Description[ru]\":\"Оболочка для Latte Dock\",\"Description[sl]\":\"Shell za dok Latte\",\"Description[sv]\":\"Skal tillhandahållet för Latte dockningsfönster\",\"Description[uk]\":\"Оболонка панелі Латте\",\"Description[x-test]\":\"xxShell provided for the Latte Dockxx\",\"Description[zh_CN]\":\"用于 Latte 停靠栏的 Shell\",\"Description[zh_TW]\":\"由 Latte Dock 提供的 Shell\",\"Id\":\"\",\"License\":\"GPLv3+\",\"Name\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[az]\":\"Latte Üzlüyü\",\"Name[ca@valencia]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte\",\"Name[ca]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte\",\"Name[cs]\":\"Shell Latte\",\"Name[da]\":\"Latte-skal\",\"Name[de]\":\"Latte-Shell\",\"Name[el]\":\"Κέλυφος Latte\",\"Name[en_GB]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[es]\":\"Consola de Latte\",\"Name[et]\":\"Latte shell\",\"Name[eu]\":\"Latte Shell-a\",\"Name[fi]\":\"Latte-käyttöliittymä\",\"Name[fr]\":\"Interpréteur de commandes pour Latte\",\"Name[gl]\":\"Intérprete de ordes de Latte\",\"Name[id]\":\"Shell Latte\",\"Name[it]\":\"shell Latte\",\"Name[ko]\":\"Latte 셸\",\"Name[lt]\":\"Latte apvalkalas\",\"Name[nl]\":\"Latte-shell\",\"Name[nn]\":\"Latte-skal\",\"Name[pl]\":\"Powłoka Latte\",\"Name[pt]\":\"Consola do Latte\",\"Name[pt_BR]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[ru]\":\"Оболочка Latte\",\"Name[sk]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[sl]\":\"Shell Latte\",\"Name[sv]\":\"Latte skal\",\"Name[uk]\":\"Оболонка Латте\",\"Name[x-test]\":\"xxLatte Shellxx\",\"Name[zh_CN]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[zh_TW]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"ServiceTypes\":[\"Plasma/Shell\"],\"Version\":\"0.10.8\",\"Website\":\"\"},\"Keywords\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[az]\":\"üzlük\",\"Keywords[ca@valencia]\":\"intèrpret d'ordres\",\"Keywords[ca]\":\"intèrpret d'ordres\",\"Keywords[cs]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[da]\":\"skal\",\"Keywords[de]\":\"Shell\",\"Keywords[el]\":\"κέλυφος\",\"Keywords[en_GB]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[es]\":\"consola\",\"Keywords[et]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[eu]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[fi]\":\"käyttöliittymä\",\"Keywords[fr]\":\"interpréteur\",\"Keywords[gl]\":\"intérprete de ordes\",\"Keywords[ia]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[id]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[it]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[ko]\":\"셸\",\"Keywords[lt]\":\"apvalkalas\",\"Keywords[nl]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[nn]\":\"skal\",\"Keywords[pl]\":\"powłoka\",\"Keywords[pt]\":\"consola\",\"Keywords[pt_BR]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[ru]\":\"оболочка\",\"Keywords[sk]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[sl]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[sv]\":\"skal\",\"Keywords[uk]\":\"оболонка\",\"Keywords[x-test]\":\"xxshellxx\",\"Keywords[zh_CN]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[zh_TW]\":\"shell\",\"X-KDE-ParentApp\":\"latte-dock\"}) is valid!" [Debug : 10:44:57.1919] - "Updating Latte Colors Script presence..." [Debug : 10:44:57.1919] - "kwinrc: recovering values..." [Debug : 10:44:57.1919] - "current plasma theme ::: \"breeze-alphablack\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.1919] - "theme path ::: \"/home/dce/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-alphablack\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.1919] - "theme widgets path ::: \"/home/dce/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-alphablack/widgets\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.1919] - "plasma theme original colors ::: \"/home/dce/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-alphablack/colors\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.193193] - "plasma theme default colors ::: \"/tmp/lattedock-mdHcbt/default.colors\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.211211] - "plasma theme reversed colors ::: \"/tmp/lattedock-mdHcbt/reversed.colors\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.211211] - "Plasma theme is dark..." [Debug : 10:44:57.241241] - " PLASMA THEME TOPLEFT SHADOW :: pixels : 81 transparent pixels 81 | HAS SHADOWS : false" [Debug : 10:44:57.241241] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..." [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::TopEdge | roundness: 0 center_max_opacity: 0.0980394" [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::TopEdge | padtop: 3 padleft: 3 padbottom: 3 padright: 3" [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::TopEdge | shadowsize: 0 shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0, 0)" [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..." [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::LeftEdge | roundness: 0 center_max_opacity: 0.0980394" [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::LeftEdge | padtop: 3 padleft: 3 padbottom: 3 padright: 3" [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::LeftEdge | shadowsize: 0 shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0, 0)" [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..." [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge | roundness: 0 center_max_opacity: 0.0980394" [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge | padtop: 3 padleft: 3 padbottom: 3 padright: 3" [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge | shadowsize: 0 shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0, 0)" [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..." [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge | roundness: 0 center_max_opacity: 0.0980394" [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge | padtop: 3 padleft: 3 padbottom: 3 padright: 3" [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge | shadowsize: 0 shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0, 0)" [Debug : 10:44:57.242242] - "PLASMA THEME MARGINS AREA :: 6 6 6 6" [Debug : 10:44:57.245245] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.245245] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.245245] - "Layout name: \".multiple-layouts_hidden\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.245245] - " >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LAYOUTS::STORAGE, TEMP DIR ::: \"/tmp/lattedock-HaYVrr\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.246246] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.246246] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.246246] - "Layout name: \"Default\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.246246] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.246246] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.247247] - "Layout name: \"Empty\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.247247] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.247247] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.247247] - "Layout name: \"Extended\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.248248] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.248248] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.248248] - "Layout name: \"Plasma\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.249249] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.249249] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.249249] - "Layout name: \"Unity\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.2525] - "Universal Settings version : 2" [Debug : 10:44:57.2525] - "Latte is loading its layouts..." [Debug : 10:44:57.2525] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Extendido.layout.latte\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.2525] - "Layout file: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Extendido.layout.latte\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.2525] - "Layout name: \"Extendido\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.251251] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Mi distribución.layout.latte\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.251251] - "Layout file: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Mi distribución.layout.latte\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.251251] - "Layout name: \"Mi distribución\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.252252] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.252252] - "Layout file: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.252252] - "Layout name: \"Plasma\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.253253] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.253253] - "Layout file: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.253253] - "Layout name: \"Unity\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.254254] - " >>>>> SWITCHING >> \"Plasma\" __ from memory: 0 to memory: -1" [Debug : 10:44:57.605605] - " ... initializing layout in single mode : \"Plasma\" - \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.605605] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\" with name: \"Plasma\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.605605] - "Layout file: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.607607] - "Layout name: \"Plasma\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.607607] - "Layout ::::: \"Plasma\" added containments ::: 0" [Debug : 10:44:57.607607] - "abstract layout is saving... for layout: \"Plasma\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.609609] - " -------------------------------------------------------------------- " [Debug : 10:44:57.609609] - " -------------------------------------------------------------------- " [Debug : 10:44:57.609609] - "LOADING CORONA LAYOUT: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\"" [Info : 10:44:57.618618] - "Applet preload policy set to 1" [Warning : 10:44:57.649649] - "Plugin \"org.kde.latte.contextmenu\" was loaded using deprecated KServiceTypeTrader. Use embedded json metadata and install the plugin in plasma/containmentactions namespace instead" [Debug : 10:44:57.652652] - "Layout :::: \"Plasma\" ::: addView was called... m_containments :: 1" [Debug : 10:44:57.652652] - "step 1..." [Debug : 10:44:57.652652] - "step 2..." [Debug : 10:44:57.652652] - "step 3..." [Debug : 10:44:57.652652] - "Adding view - containment id: 1 ,screen : 11 - \"eDP-1\" ,onprimary: true - edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge ,screenName: \"eDP-1\" ,forceOnPrimary: false" [Debug : 10:44:57.652652] - "add dock - connector : \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.652652] - "Adding view passed ALL checks ,onPrimary: true ,screen: \"eDP-1\" !!!" [Debug : 10:44:57.683683] - "setScreenToFollow() called for screen: \"eDP-1\" update: true" [Debug : 10:44:57.683683] - "adapting to screen..." [Debug : 10:44:57.683683] - "setScreenToFollow() ended..." [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Warning : 10:44:57.764764] - "wrong location, couldn't update the panel position Plasma::Types::Desktop" [Warning : 10:44:57.764764] - "wrong location, couldn't update the canvas config window geometry Plasma::Types::Desktop" [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::Desktop" [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - "SOURCE: QUrl(\"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\")" [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - "dock view c++ containment changed 1..." [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - "dock view c++ containment changed 2..." [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - "reconsiderScreen() called..." [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - " Delayer " [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - " D, found screen: \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - "dock screen exists ::: true" [Debug : 10:44:57.764764] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:57.765765] - "reconsiderScreen() ended..." [Debug : 10:44:57.765765] - "WindowsTracker creating..." [Debug : 10:44:57.765765] - "VisibilityManager creating..." [Debug : 10:44:57.765765] - " -> Frame Extents :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge __ extents :: QMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) bypasswm :: false" [Debug : 10:44:57.765765] - "Updating visibility mode to :::: Latte::Types::AlwaysVisible" [Debug : 10:44:57.769769] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:57.769769] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:44:57.769769] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge" [Debug : 10:44:57.769769] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:44:58.112112] - " /////////////////////////" [Debug : 10:44:58.112112] - "\"Plasma Desktop version: 5.24.3 (333827)\"" [Debug : 10:44:58.112112] - " /////////////////////////" [Debug : 10:44:58.144144] - "PulseAudio Latte interface was loaded..." [Debug : 10:44:58.1818] - "Tasks: Applying UNIQUE Launchers List..." [Warning : 10:44:58.182182] - "PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea is deprecated. Use PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView instead." [Debug : 10:44:58.391391] - "Loading Calendar plugin HolidaysEventsPlugin(0x55e119a37990)" [Debug : 10:44:58.418418] - "Loading Calendar plugin PimEventsPlugin(0x55e119a31ce0)" [Warning : 10:44:58.439439] - "Error: cannot change the containment to AppletsLayout" [Warning : 10:44:58.463463] - "PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea is deprecated. Use PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView instead." [Warning : 10:44:58.471471] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor/contents/ui/main.qml:43:5: QML MouseArea: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling." [Warning : 10:44:58.472472] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor/contents/ui/main.qml:41: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" [Warning : 10:44:58.472472] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor/contents/ui/main.qml:43:5: QML MouseArea: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling." [Warning : 10:44:58.472472] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor/contents/ui/main.qml:41: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" [Debug : 10:44:58.559559] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:58.559559] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:58.559559] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:58.559559] - "org.kde.latte ::: applets found :: 7 : (4, 66, 57, 79, 77, 5, 62) :: 5 : 6 | Latte::Types::Center" [Debug : 10:44:58.5656] - "org.kde.latte ::: applets orphaned added in the end:: \"\"" [Debug : 10:44:58.5656] - "org.kde.latte ::: applets recorded order :: (4, 66, 57, 79, 77, 5, 62)" [Debug : 10:44:58.5656] - "org.kde.latte ::: applets produced order ?? (4, 66, 57, 79, 77, 5, 62)" [Warning : 10:44:58.5757] - "trying to show an empty dialog" [Warning : 10:44:58.581581] - "trying to show an empty dialog" [Warning : 10:44:58.618618] - "trying to show an empty dialog" [Warning : 10:44:58.632632] - "trying to show an empty dialog" [Warning : 10:44:58.683683] - "trying to show an empty dialog" [Debug : 10:44:58.744744] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:58.746746] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:58.747747] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:58.749749] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:58.749749] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Warning : 10:44:58.751751] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:58.751751] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Debug : 10:44:58.772772] - "latte view qml source - containment changed 1..." [Debug : 10:44:58.772772] - "latte view qml source - containment changed 2..." [Debug : 10:44:58.774774] - "Tasks: Applying UNIQUE Launchers List..." [Debug : 10:44:58.774774] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:58.812812] - "Layout :::: \"Plasma\" ::: addView was called... m_containments :: 2" [Debug : 10:44:58.812812] - "step 1..." [Warning : 10:44:58.814814] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:58.8282] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:58.939939] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:58.939939] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:58.942942] - "Error: cannot change the containment to AppletsLayout" [Warning : 10:44:58.978978] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:58.978978] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:58.981981] - "Error: cannot change the containment to AppletsLayout" [Warning : 10:44:59.011011] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:59.012012] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:59.015015] - "Error: cannot change the containment to AppletsLayout" [Warning : 10:44:59.054054] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:59.054054] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:59.057057] - "Error: cannot change the containment to AppletsLayout" [Debug : 10:44:59.085085] - "4" [Debug : 10:44:59.098098] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:59.099099] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:44:59.099099] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge" [Debug : 10:44:59.099099] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:44:59.171171] - "CUPS-Get-Printers last error: 0 successful-ok" [Debug : 10:44:59.171171] - "Get-Jobs last error: 0 successful-ok" [Debug : 10:44:59.172172] - "Create-Printer-Subscriptions last error: 0 successful-ok" [Debug : 10:44:59.172172] - "Get-Jobs last error: 0 successful-ok" [Warning : 10:44:59.221221] - "Cyclic dependency detected between \"file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml\" and \"file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/NotificationHeader.qml\"" [Warning : 10:44:59.487487] - "PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea is deprecated. Use PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView instead." [Debug : 10:44:59.509509] - "DOCK VIEW FROM LAYOUT ::: \"Plasma\" - activities: (\"{0}\")" [Warning : 10:44:59.547547] - "QFont::setPointSizeF: Point size <= 0 (0.000000), must be greater than 0" [Warning : 10:44:59.701701] - "file:///home/dce/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray/contents/ui/main.qml:30:1: QML MouseArea (parent or ancestor of QQuickLayoutAttached): Binding loop detected for property \"minimumHeight\"" [Warning : 10:44:59.701701] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:59.702702] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:44:59.705705] - "Error: cannot change the containment to AppletsLayout" [Debug : 10:44:59.754754] - "3 \"Brother_MFC-L2720DW_series\"" [Debug : 10:44:59.754754] - "3 \"CUPS-PDF\"" [Debug : 10:44:59.754754] - "0" [Debug : 10:44:59.754754] - "0" [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - " PLASMA STRUTS MANAGER :: checking availability...." [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - "PLASMA STRUTS MANAGER :: interface availability :: true" [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - " PLASMA STRUTS MANAGER :: is available..." [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - "START of SyncLatteViewsToScreens ...." [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - "LAYOUT ::: \"Plasma\"" [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - "screen count changed -+-+ 1" [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - "PRIMARY SCREEN :: \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - "LATTEVIEWS MAP :: QHash((\"eDP-1\", QHash((Plasma::Types::RightEdge, (1)))))" [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - "syncLatteViewsToScreens: view must consider its screen... for containment: 1 at screen: \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - "reconsiderScreen() called..." [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - " Delayer " [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - " D, found screen: \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - "dock screen exists ::: true" [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:44:59.783783] - "reconsiderScreen() ended..." [Debug : 10:44:59.784784] - "end of, syncLatteViewsToScreens ...." [Warning : 10:44:59.792792] - "file:///home/dce/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.zren.alphablackcontrol/contents/ui/Main.qml:75: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: Parse error" [Debug : 10:45:01.273273] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:45:01.274274] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:45:01.274274] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge" [Debug : 10:45:01.274274] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:45:01.274274] - " -> Frame Extents :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge __ extents :: QMargins(42, 0, 0, 0) bypasswm :: false" [Debug : 10:45:04.271271] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:45:04.273273] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, LAST AVAILABLE SCREEN RECTS :: QHash()" [Debug : 10:45:04.273273] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, SCREEN :: 11 - \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:45:06.268268] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:45:06.268268] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:45:06.268268] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge" [Debug : 10:45:06.268268] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:45:08.2727] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:45:08.275275] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, LAST AVAILABLE SCREEN RECTS :: QHash()" [Debug : 10:45:08.275275] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, SCREEN :: 11 - \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:45:08.275275] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, CLEARED SCREEN :: \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:45:10.268268] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:45:10.269269] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:45:10.269269] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge" [Debug : 10:45:10.269269] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:45:11.322322] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, LAST AVAILABLE SCREEN RECTS :: QHash()" [Debug : 10:45:11.322322] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, SCREEN :: 11 - \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:45:11.323323] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, AVAILABLE RECT :: \"eDP-1\" : QRect(0,0 1317x768)" [Debug : 10:45:11.323323] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, AVAILABLE REGION :: \"eDP-1\" : QRegion(0,0 1316x768)" Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL ************ Operating System: openSUSE Leap 15.3 KDE Plasma Version: 5.24.3 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.92.0 Qt Version: 5.15.2 Kernel Version: 5.3.18-59.10-default (64-bit) Graphics Platform: X11 Processors: 4 × Intel® Core™ i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz Memory: 7.6 GiB of RAM Graphics Processor: Mesa DRI Intel® HD Graphics 520
This is what I get in Wayland, for comparison: *********** [Debug : 10:50:22.022022] - "badges based on position updated to :: (\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"z\", \"x\", \"c\", \"v\", \"b\", \"n\", \"m\", \",\", \".\")" [Debug : 10:50:22.022022] - "badges for applet shortcuts updated to :: QHash()" [Debug : 10:50:22.0404] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Dash To Panel\" [ \"org.kde.latte.dashtopanel\" ] - [ \"/home/dce/.local/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.dashtopanel\" ]" [Debug : 10:50:22.0404] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Latte\" [ \"org.kde.latte.default\" ] - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/default\" ]" [Debug : 10:50:22.0404] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Plasma\" [ \"org.kde.latte.plasma\" ] - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.plasma\" ]" [Debug : 10:50:22.041041] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Unity\" [ \"org.kde.latte.unity\" ] - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.unity\" ]" [Debug : 10:50:22.041041] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Estilo de pestaña Plasma\" [ \"org.kde.latte.plasmatabstyle\" ] - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.plasmatabstyle\" ]" [Debug : 10:50:22.041041] - "\"Latte\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.041041] - " IMPORTER, STORAGE TEMP DIR ::: \"/tmp/lattedock-vfASXw\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.042042] - "---------------- Plasma Screen Ids ------------------" [Debug : 10:50:22.042042] - "2 __ \"DP-2\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.042042] - "3 __ \"Screen30\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.042042] - "---------------- --------------- ------------------" [Debug : 10:50:22.0505] - " Windows default color scheme :: \"/usr/share/color-schemes/BreezeClassic.colors\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.051051] - " KWIN SERVICE :: is available..." [Debug : 10:50:22.053053] - "package is valid true" [Debug : 10:50:22.053053] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"10\" : \"HDMI-1\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"11\" : \"eDP-1\" : QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"12\" : \"DP-2\" : QRect(0,0 1024x768)" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"13\" : \"DP-2\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"14\" : \"eDP-1\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"15\" : \"HDMI-1\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"16\" : \"eDP-1\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"17\" : \"DP-2\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"18\" : \"HDMI-A-1\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"19\" : \"\" : QRect(0,0 0x0)" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "Latte::Corona the package QJsonObject({\"KPlugin\":{\"Authors\":[{\"Email\":\",\",\"Name\":\"Michail Vourlakos, Smith Ar\"}],\"Description\":\"Shell provided for the Latte Dock\",\"Description[az]\":\"Latte Dok paneli üçün nəzərdə tutulan üzlük\",\"Description[ca@valencia]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat per l'acoblador Latte\",\"Description[ca]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat per l'acoblador Latte\",\"Description[da]\":\"Skal til Latte-dokken\",\"Description[de]\":\"Shell für Latte-Dock\",\"Description[el]\":\"Κέλυφος που παρέχεται από την εφαρμογή Latte\",\"Description[en_GB]\":\"Shell provided for the Latte Dock\",\"Description[es]\":\"Shell proporcionada para Latte Dock\",\"Description[et]\":\"Latte doki shell\",\"Description[eu]\":\"Shell-a Latte Dockentzat\",\"Description[fi]\":\"Latte-telakalle tarjottu käyttöliittymä\",\"Description[fr]\":\"Interpréteur de commandes fourni pour le panneau Latte\",\"Description[gl]\":\"Intérprete de ordes fornecido para a doca Latte.\",\"Description[id]\":\"Shell disediakan untuk Dock Latte\",\"Description[it]\":\"Shell fornita per Latte Dock\",\"Description[ko]\":\"Latte 독용 셸\",\"Description[lt]\":\"Latte dokui teikiamas apvalkalas\",\"Description[nl]\":\"Shell geleverd voor de Latte Dock\",\"Description[nn]\":\"Skal frå Latte-dokk\",\"Description[pl]\":\"Powłoka dla doku Latte\",\"Description[pt]\":\"Consola oferecida para a área acoplável do Latte\",\"Description[pt_BR]\":\"Shell fornecido pelo Latte Dock\",\"Description[ru]\":\"Оболочка для Latte Dock\",\"Description[sl]\":\"Shell za dok Latte\",\"Description[sv]\":\"Skal tillhandahållet för Latte dockningsfönster\",\"Description[uk]\":\"Оболонка панелі Латте\",\"Description[x-test]\":\"xxShell provided for the Latte Dockxx\",\"Description[zh_CN]\":\"用于 Latte 停靠栏的 Shell\",\"Description[zh_TW]\":\"由 Latte Dock 提供的 Shell\",\"Id\":\"\",\"License\":\"GPLv3+\",\"Name\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[az]\":\"Latte Üzlüyü\",\"Name[ca@valencia]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte\",\"Name[ca]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte\",\"Name[cs]\":\"Shell Latte\",\"Name[da]\":\"Latte-skal\",\"Name[de]\":\"Latte-Shell\",\"Name[el]\":\"Κέλυφος Latte\",\"Name[en_GB]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[es]\":\"Consola de Latte\",\"Name[et]\":\"Latte shell\",\"Name[eu]\":\"Latte Shell-a\",\"Name[fi]\":\"Latte-käyttöliittymä\",\"Name[fr]\":\"Interpréteur de commandes pour Latte\",\"Name[gl]\":\"Intérprete de ordes de Latte\",\"Name[id]\":\"Shell Latte\",\"Name[it]\":\"shell Latte\",\"Name[ko]\":\"Latte 셸\",\"Name[lt]\":\"Latte apvalkalas\",\"Name[nl]\":\"Latte-shell\",\"Name[nn]\":\"Latte-skal\",\"Name[pl]\":\"Powłoka Latte\",\"Name[pt]\":\"Consola do Latte\",\"Name[pt_BR]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[ru]\":\"Оболочка Latte\",\"Name[sk]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[sl]\":\"Shell Latte\",\"Name[sv]\":\"Latte skal\",\"Name[uk]\":\"Оболонка Латте\",\"Name[x-test]\":\"xxLatte Shellxx\",\"Name[zh_CN]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[zh_TW]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"ServiceTypes\":[\"Plasma/Shell\"],\"Version\":\"0.10.8\",\"Website\":\"\"},\"Keywords\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[az]\":\"üzlük\",\"Keywords[ca@valencia]\":\"intèrpret d'ordres\",\"Keywords[ca]\":\"intèrpret d'ordres\",\"Keywords[cs]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[da]\":\"skal\",\"Keywords[de]\":\"Shell\",\"Keywords[el]\":\"κέλυφος\",\"Keywords[en_GB]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[es]\":\"consola\",\"Keywords[et]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[eu]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[fi]\":\"käyttöliittymä\",\"Keywords[fr]\":\"interpréteur\",\"Keywords[gl]\":\"intérprete de ordes\",\"Keywords[ia]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[id]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[it]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[ko]\":\"셸\",\"Keywords[lt]\":\"apvalkalas\",\"Keywords[nl]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[nn]\":\"skal\",\"Keywords[pl]\":\"powłoka\",\"Keywords[pt]\":\"consola\",\"Keywords[pt_BR]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[ru]\":\"оболочка\",\"Keywords[sk]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[sl]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[sv]\":\"skal\",\"Keywords[uk]\":\"оболонка\",\"Keywords[x-test]\":\"xxshellxx\",\"Keywords[zh_CN]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[zh_TW]\":\"shell\",\"X-KDE-ParentApp\":\"latte-dock\"}) is valid!" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "Updating Latte Colors Script presence..." [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "kwinrc: recovering values..." [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "current plasma theme ::: \"breeze-alphablack\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "theme path ::: \"/home/dce/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-alphablack\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "theme widgets path ::: \"/home/dce/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-alphablack/widgets\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.054054] - "plasma theme original colors ::: \"/home/dce/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-alphablack/colors\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.057057] - "plasma theme default colors ::: \"/tmp/lattedock-aJdoWK/default.colors\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.077077] - "plasma theme reversed colors ::: \"/tmp/lattedock-aJdoWK/reversed.colors\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.077077] - "Plasma theme is dark..." [Debug : 10:50:22.1111] - " PLASMA THEME TOPLEFT SHADOW :: pixels : 81 transparent pixels 81 | HAS SHADOWS : false" [Debug : 10:50:22.111111] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..." [Debug : 10:50:22.111111] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::TopEdge | roundness: 0 center_max_opacity: 0.0980394" [Debug : 10:50:22.111111] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::TopEdge | padtop: 3 padleft: 3 padbottom: 3 padright: 3" [Debug : 10:50:22.111111] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::TopEdge | shadowsize: 0 shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0, 0)" [Debug : 10:50:22.111111] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..." [Debug : 10:50:22.111111] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::LeftEdge | roundness: 0 center_max_opacity: 0.0980394" [Debug : 10:50:22.111111] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::LeftEdge | padtop: 3 padleft: 3 padbottom: 3 padright: 3" [Debug : 10:50:22.111111] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::LeftEdge | shadowsize: 0 shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0, 0)" [Debug : 10:50:22.112112] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..." [Debug : 10:50:22.112112] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge | roundness: 0 center_max_opacity: 0.0980394" [Debug : 10:50:22.112112] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge | padtop: 3 padleft: 3 padbottom: 3 padright: 3" [Debug : 10:50:22.112112] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge | shadowsize: 0 shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0, 0)" [Debug : 10:50:22.112112] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..." [Debug : 10:50:22.112112] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge | roundness: 0 center_max_opacity: 0.0980394" [Debug : 10:50:22.112112] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge | padtop: 3 padleft: 3 padbottom: 3 padright: 3" [Debug : 10:50:22.112112] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge | shadowsize: 0 shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0, 0)" [Debug : 10:50:22.112112] - "PLASMA THEME MARGINS AREA :: 6 6 6 6" [Debug : 10:50:22.115115] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.115115] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.115115] - "Layout name: \".multiple-layouts_hidden\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.115115] - " >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LAYOUTS::STORAGE, TEMP DIR ::: \"/tmp/lattedock-RABXzU\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.115115] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.115115] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.116116] - "Layout name: \"Default\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.116116] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.116116] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.116116] - "Layout name: \"Empty\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.117117] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.117117] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.117117] - "Layout name: \"Extended\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.118118] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.118118] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.118118] - "Layout name: \"Plasma\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.119119] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.119119] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.1212] - "Layout name: \"Unity\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.121121] - "Universal Settings version : 2" [Debug : 10:50:22.121121] - "Latte is loading its layouts..." [Debug : 10:50:22.121121] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Extendido.layout.latte\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.121121] - "Layout file: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Extendido.layout.latte\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.122122] - "Layout name: \"Extendido\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.123123] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Mi distribución.layout.latte\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.123123] - "Layout file: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Mi distribución.layout.latte\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.123123] - "Layout name: \"Mi distribución\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.124124] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.124124] - "Layout file: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.124124] - "Layout name: \"Plasma\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.126126] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte\" with name: \"\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.126126] - "Layout file: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.126126] - "Layout name: \"Unity\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.127127] - " >>>>> SWITCHING >> \"Plasma\" __ from memory: 0 to memory: -1" [Debug : 10:50:22.479479] - " ... initializing layout in single mode : \"Plasma\" - \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.479479] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\" with name: \"Plasma\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.479479] - "Layout file: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.483483] - "Layout name: \"Plasma\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.483483] - "Layout ::::: \"Plasma\" added containments ::: 0" [Debug : 10:50:22.483483] - "abstract layout is saving... for layout: \"Plasma\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.485485] - " -------------------------------------------------------------------- " [Debug : 10:50:22.485485] - " -------------------------------------------------------------------- " [Debug : 10:50:22.485485] - "LOADING CORONA LAYOUT: \"/home/dce/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\"" [Info : 10:50:22.492492] - "Applet preload policy set to 1" [Warning : 10:50:22.523523] - "Plugin \"org.kde.latte.contextmenu\" was loaded using deprecated KServiceTypeTrader. Use embedded json metadata and install the plugin in plasma/containmentactions namespace instead" [Debug : 10:50:22.526526] - "Layout :::: \"Plasma\" ::: addView was called... m_containments :: 1" [Debug : 10:50:22.526526] - "step 1..." [Debug : 10:50:22.526526] - "step 2..." [Debug : 10:50:22.526526] - "step 3..." [Debug : 10:50:22.526526] - "Adding view - containment id: 1 ,screen : 11 - \"eDP-1\" ,onprimary: true - edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge ,screenName: \"eDP-1\" ,forceOnPrimary: false" [Debug : 10:50:22.526526] - "add dock - connector : \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.526526] - "Adding view passed ALL checks ,onPrimary: true ,screen: \"eDP-1\" !!!" [Debug : 10:50:22.534534] - "setScreenToFollow() called for screen: \"eDP-1\" update: true" [Debug : 10:50:22.534534] - "adapting to screen..." [Debug : 10:50:22.534534] - "setScreenToFollow() ended..." [Debug : 10:50:22.617617] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Warning : 10:50:22.618618] - "wrong location, couldn't update the panel position Plasma::Types::Desktop" [Warning : 10:50:22.618618] - "wrong location, couldn't update the canvas config window geometry Plasma::Types::Desktop" [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::Desktop" [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "SOURCE: QUrl(\"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\")" [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "dock view c++ containment changed 1..." [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "dock view c++ containment changed 2..." [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "reconsiderScreen() called..." [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - " Delayer " [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - " D, found screen: \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "dock screen exists ::: true" [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "reconsiderScreen() ended..." [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "WindowsTracker creating..." [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "VisibilityManager creating..." [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - " -> Frame Extents :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge __ extents :: QMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) bypasswm :: false" [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "Updating visibility mode to :::: Latte::Types::AlwaysVisible" [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "WAYLAND dock window surface was created..." [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge" [Debug : 10:50:22.618618] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:50:22.623623] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:22.623623] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:50:22.623623] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge" [Debug : 10:50:22.623623] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:50:22.926926] - " /////////////////////////" [Debug : 10:50:22.926926] - "\"Plasma Desktop version: 5.24.3 (333827)\"" [Debug : 10:50:22.926926] - " /////////////////////////" [Debug : 10:50:22.962962] - "PulseAudio Latte interface was loaded..." [Debug : 10:50:22.996996] - "Tasks: Applying UNIQUE Launchers List..." [Warning : 10:50:22.998998] - "PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea is deprecated. Use PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView instead." [Debug : 10:50:23.209209] - "Loading Calendar plugin HolidaysEventsPlugin(0x55f23cd51ca0)" [Debug : 10:50:23.235235] - "Loading Calendar plugin PimEventsPlugin(0x55f23cd4e3b0)" [Warning : 10:50:23.257257] - "Error: cannot change the containment to AppletsLayout" [Warning : 10:50:23.282282] - "PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea is deprecated. Use PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView instead." [Warning : 10:50:23.2929] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor/contents/ui/main.qml:43:5: QML MouseArea: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling." [Warning : 10:50:23.291291] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor/contents/ui/main.qml:41: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" [Warning : 10:50:23.291291] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor/contents/ui/main.qml:43:5: QML MouseArea: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling." [Warning : 10:50:23.291291] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor/contents/ui/main.qml:41: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" [Debug : 10:50:23.371371] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:23.372372] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:23.372372] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:23.372372] - "org.kde.latte ::: applets found :: 7 : (4, 66, 57, 79, 77, 5, 62) :: 5 : 6 | Latte::Types::Center" [Debug : 10:50:23.372372] - "org.kde.latte ::: applets orphaned added in the end:: \"\"" [Debug : 10:50:23.372372] - "org.kde.latte ::: applets recorded order :: (4, 66, 57, 79, 77, 5, 62)" [Debug : 10:50:23.372372] - "org.kde.latte ::: applets produced order ?? (4, 66, 57, 79, 77, 5, 62)" [Warning : 10:50:23.3838] - "trying to show an empty dialog" [Warning : 10:50:23.387387] - "trying to show an empty dialog" [Warning : 10:50:23.418418] - "trying to show an empty dialog" [Warning : 10:50:23.426426] - "trying to show an empty dialog" [Warning : 10:50:23.471471] - "trying to show an empty dialog" [Debug : 10:50:23.5353] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:23.532532] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:23.533533] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:23.535535] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:23.535535] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Warning : 10:50:23.537537] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.537537] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Debug : 10:50:23.559559] - "latte view qml source - containment changed 1..." [Debug : 10:50:23.559559] - "latte view qml source - containment changed 2..." [Debug : 10:50:23.561561] - "Tasks: Applying UNIQUE Launchers List..." [Debug : 10:50:23.561561] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:23.597597] - "Layout :::: \"Plasma\" ::: addView was called... m_containments :: 2" [Debug : 10:50:23.597597] - "step 1..." [Warning : 10:50:23.66] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.606606] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.706706] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.707707] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.7171] - "Error: cannot change the containment to AppletsLayout" [Warning : 10:50:23.745745] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.745745] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.748748] - "Error: cannot change the containment to AppletsLayout" [Warning : 10:50:23.778778] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.779779] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.782782] - "Error: cannot change the containment to AppletsLayout" [Warning : 10:50:23.8282] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.8282] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.823823] - "Error: cannot change the containment to AppletsLayout" [Debug : 10:50:23.8585] - "4" [Warning : 10:50:23.857857] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.linechart/contents/ui/LineChart.qml:57:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.857857] - "file:///usr/share/ksysguard/sensorfaces/org.kde.ksysguard.barchart/contents/ui/BarChart.qml:54:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to int" [Warning : 10:50:23.859859] - "Error: cannot change the containment to AppletsLayout" [Debug : 10:50:23.964964] - "CUPS-Get-Printers last error: 0 successful-ok" [Debug : 10:50:23.965965] - "Create-Printer-Subscriptions last error: 0 successful-ok" [Debug : 10:50:23.965965] - "Get-Jobs last error: 0 successful-ok" [Debug : 10:50:23.966966] - "Get-Jobs last error: 0 successful-ok" [Warning : 10:50:23.999999] - "Cyclic dependency detected between \"file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml\" and \"file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/NotificationHeader.qml\"" [Warning : 10:50:24.361361] - "PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea is deprecated. Use PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView instead." [Debug : 10:50:24.362362] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:24.362362] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:50:24.363363] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge" [Debug : 10:50:24.363363] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:50:24.363363] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:24.379379] - "DOCK VIEW FROM LAYOUT ::: \"Plasma\" - activities: (\"{0}\")" [Warning : 10:50:24.4141] - "QFont::setPointSizeF: Point size <= 0 (0.000000), must be greater than 0" [Debug : 10:50:24.736736] - "3 \"Brother_MFC-L2720DW_series\"" [Debug : 10:50:24.738738] - "3 \"CUPS-PDF\"" [Debug : 10:50:24.739739] - "0" [Debug : 10:50:24.739739] - "0" [Debug : 10:50:24.795795] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:24.796796] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:50:24.796796] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge" [Debug : 10:50:24.796796] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:50:24.796796] - " PLASMA STRUTS MANAGER :: checking availability...." [Debug : 10:50:24.796796] - "PLASMA STRUTS MANAGER :: interface availability :: true" [Debug : 10:50:24.796796] - " PLASMA STRUTS MANAGER :: is available..." [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - "START of SyncLatteViewsToScreens ...." [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - "LAYOUT ::: \"Plasma\"" [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - "screen count changed -+-+ 1" [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - "PRIMARY SCREEN :: \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - "LATTEVIEWS MAP :: QHash((\"eDP-1\", QHash((Plasma::Types::RightEdge, (1)))))" [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - "syncLatteViewsToScreens: view must consider its screen... for containment: 1 at screen: \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - "reconsiderScreen() called..." [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - " Delayer " [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - " D, found screen: \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - "dock screen exists ::: true" [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - "reconsiderScreen() ended..." [Debug : 10:50:24.797797] - "end of, syncLatteViewsToScreens ...." [Warning : 10:50:24.843843] - "file:///home/dce/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.zren.alphablackcontrol/contents/ui/Main.qml:75: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: Parse error" [Debug : 10:50:24.844844] - " -> Frame Extents :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge __ extents :: QMargins(42, 0, 0, 0) bypasswm :: false" [Debug : 10:50:25.015015] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:25.015015] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:50:25.015015] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge" [Debug : 10:50:25.015015] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:50:25.769769] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, LAST AVAILABLE SCREEN RECTS :: QHash()" [Debug : 10:50:25.769769] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, SCREEN :: 11 - \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:50:26.931931] - "syncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:27.074074] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..." [Debug : 10:50:27.074074] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"eDP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 1366x768)" [Debug : 10:50:27.074074] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::RightEdge" [Debug : 10:50:27.074074] - "syncGeometry() ended..." [Debug : 10:50:27.0808] - "wayland ghost window surface was created..." [Debug : 10:50:28.132132] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, LAST AVAILABLE SCREEN RECTS :: QHash()" [Debug : 10:50:28.132132] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, SCREEN :: 11 - \"eDP-1\"" [Debug : 10:50:28.133133] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, AVAILABLE RECT :: \"eDP-1\" : QRect(0,0 1317x768)" [Debug : 10:50:28.134134] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, AVAILABLE REGION :: \"eDP-1\" : QRegion(0,0 1316x768)"
that is probably something with applets x11 implementation... some of your applets delays Latte startup under x11
Created attachment 148732 [details] Latte-dock layout that takes a long time to start in X11 Thanks for the response, Michail. I have a pretty simple configuration that attempts to mimic the Plasma Panel I had before. It's a vertical dock with an Application Launcher, Folder View, Latte Tasks, System Monitor (CPU load + network speed), System Tray and Event Calendar. Just in case, I deleted those things one by one and the startup time improves by 3 or 4 seconds when the dock is empty, but that improvement doesn't all happen when any particular applet is deleted. As I delete stuff, the startup time seems to improve gradually. I'm attaching my layout, in case you want to check it. Thanks again!
Created attachment 148733 [details] Screenshot of my layout And this is a screenshot in case it helps