I tried to import MP4 audio files but they don't show up. I read taglib supports MP4 and I would like to request MP4 support. Would it be possible in the "import directory" window of the "import audio file metadata" to show the extension of files that are supported? Example *.mp3, *.ogg
(In reply to Jessica from comment #0) > I tried to import MP4 audio files but they don't show up. > I read taglib supports MP4 and I would like to request MP4 support. If your version of taglib is compiled with mp4 support, then Tellico uses it. > Would it be possible in the "import directory" window of the "import audio > file metadata" to show the extension of files that are supported? Example > *.mp3, *.ogg Extensions don't always match file contents. Taglib attempts to read every file and if it has valid metadata, Tellico imports it, no matter what file extension it has.