After the update, I still see the same old overview effect - dimmed background, no virtual desktops, panel or search bar. Maybe a slightly changed animation. I went to settings and the overview effect was disabled and yet it worked. I enabled it, applied the changes and... I still see the same old overview effect. Rebooting the system didn't help. So I disabled the overview and the old overview was disabled as well, so I enabled it again. Somehow, the overview was active despite being disabled after the update (I was using overview before the update). I assume, some user configs are preventing me from getting the new effect. This shouldn't have happened, and configs need to be updated as well.
You may need to restart kwin as it's a builtin effect.
I already rebooted several times and I still see the old effect. Moreover, at the beginning I saw various settings for the overview. After a few hours, suddenly settings are almost non-existent. I realized, I saw old settings and the now I see the new ones. I logged in to a generic, test user and the overview effect there is already a new one, so the issue is with the config. I will find it and purge it, so I can fix this issue myself. However, the problem here is, that the update left the old config, and it OVERWRITES THE NEW EFFECT, so in the end I see the old effect. I doubt you planned this. Since your development is made often on pretty fresh and vanilla settings, it's possible you didn't meet with this issue. But users as me, who have old installations that dates back to Plasma 5.3, may have more personalized settings. Is this not a goal - to have a stable environment that users use it for years? Then updates, as this one, should take care of the configs as well. I also noticed, that the new overview effect, after opening focuses on the search box, which is horrible, because I can't make it go away with the same shortcut, because the letter is just typed into the search bar and the shortcuts won't work. But this is a different issue, for a different case. I expect that the new overview effect will gain some settings, because at the moment it's a bit problematic and have lacks. Anyway, when I find the proper config, I'll send it here, so you can evaluate it and figure out why it overwrites the new effect. By the way, I wonder how many of various configs is doing the same, but I'm not aware of it? Hmm...
Created attachment 146541 [details] kwinrc Strange, I was sure the setting is in .config/kwinrc. I renamed it, restarted kwin and... the overview was still old. So I brought back the config. I checked other kwin configs, also no change whatsoever. Any idea in which file I should look for? Just in case, I'm attaching my kwinrc.
I went through all configs, tested them, nothing. I renamed .cache, rebooted also nothing. I'm still seeing the old overview. I don't think I can fix it without help. Please, tell me which configs may be relevant here? Nuking all configs would be an extreme option (but it probably would help) but would I prefer not to.
This sounds like a packaging error to me. I see you're using Manjaro, but I wasn't aware that Manjaro was shipping Plasma 5.24 yet. have you activated a non-default repo to get Plasma 5.24 earlier than normal? If so, I would follow up there.
No, I just switched to unstable branch of Manjaro, which is on the same level as Arch stable. Usually, I'm using testing branch (which has a few days delay), but to get Plasma, I temporarily switched to unstable, so for practical purposes, it's as if I was on Arch. So all files/packages are just mirrored from Arch stable. I don't touch development packages on Manjaro, because I'm a regular user and buggy, fresh release is the most I can do. Well, maybe some chosen git packages installed via AUR, that's all. Anyway, Plasma is just the regular Arch stuff. I'm not sure about the packaging issue. On the vanilla, test user, the new overlay is present. So there are some files, settings on my regular user, that somehow prevent the new overview from appearing. It's kinda interesting that the old and new can coexist like that. If you need any additional info, let me know. Also, what about configs? Can I get names of the configs that may be relevant here? I already tried all kwin, plasma, kde and specif, close related ones and so far nothing. Maybe this is a situation like with Libre Office - a stupid trolltech file can rule everything, and you wouldn't know, because the name is out of place. Plasma still has chaos when it comes to configs. I hope this will get better organized in the future.
It sounds like maybe you have some QML files for the old effect somewhere in your homedir that could be overriding the new ones. Did you ever build stuff from source in your user account?
No, unless it's from AUR and Plasma, regular components are always from official repos. The one exception is with oxygen sounds that were expelled from repos, which is baffling. This is THE ONLY REASONABLE SOUND package for Plasma and should be a CORE PACKAGE - but that's off-topic. How do I find QML files? This theory seems plausible, because the old effect must come from somewhere and since the new one was developed from the scratch, config can't be enough to make it go old.
I run a search for .qml files in krusader and I found over 13 thousand files after excluding .cache.... This is the proverbial needle in a haystack... ;). Your theory became more probable.... I will search through the list and see if I can spot something.
Created attachment 146745 [details] qml-files-list I reduced it to 200 .qml files (excluding .cache and Trash) and I still have the old overview. I don't see anything that would obviously stick out on the remaining list as a potential culprit. If anyone is interested, I'm attaching a list. It's relatively quick to see the main paths and elements with .qml files.
Hmm, maybe not. Side note: I notice you have local copies of the System Tray and Media Controller applets in there, and I would *strongly* recommend deleting them and using code from your distro. Those private copies that you have will slowly start to degrade unless you manually merge upstream changes into them on a regular basis, which I suspect is not happening. :)
System tray is updated by latte maintainer, so now it's on pair with 5.24. However, with media controller, you are right. But that still is not the cause of the overview. The existing .qml files do something else than desktop effects, so I don't know how they could affect it. I even renamed /.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/, rebooted and the overview was still old. This excludes the culprit in this location. I keep cleaning and checking my home. Maybe I will find it some day. If someone has any idea what else can be done to debug it, let me know.
I just thought of something. When you say "the old overview effect" are you referring to the "Present windows" effect with its darkened background and darkened windows, or are you referring to the actual "Overview" effect as it existed in Plasma 5.23? If so, the current state is intentional because the "new overview effect" has not completely replaced the old one yet. It is offered as a sort of "public beta" right now, similar to what we did with the System Monitor app.
The old overview for me is the effect with its darkened background and darkened windows. It may have be named as Present Windows before, can't remember. The actual Overview from 5.23 - I have no idea what are you speaking about. I was using overview since years and if an additional version showed up in 5.23, I was not aware of it and have no idea what is the difference between the old one and the present new one. Again, after the update to 5.24 the overview worked as before as the old version with darkened background and windows. I had impression that the animation is slightly different now and similar to the new effect, but still, no search box, no virtual desktops and darkened background and windows. I did wonder if the new effect will be a new one and conflicting with old one, and if activating the new one, that was disabled by default, will disable the old one. So I enabled Overview in desktop effects and... no change. So I disabled it and now the old overview was disabled too. So I enabled it again, overview came back, still as an old version, and that is the state now. WAIT! I still have Present Windows effect in settings, and it's enabled! Got it! 1. I disabled the Present Window effect. 2. I disabled and enabled Overview again. 3. I needed to change the Overview's shortcut to default meta+d (previously it was showing the same as I have for Present Windows... or maybe I'm imagining it?). 4 Checked the new, default shortcut and the new Overview worked! So the actual bug here is some interference between Present Windows and Overview, because: 1. Disabling Overview was disabling Present Windows. 2. It probably was showing the same shortcut as Present Windows, although this shouldn't be possible. I don't remember if it had it from the beginning, or if I re-mapped it that way (if so, it was because there was no binding applied, at least that is what my memory returns, may be wrong thou). If the latter, this shouldn't be possible. The fact is, I did try meta+d then, and it didn't work, and I was not surprised, because I saw the correct binding there or no binding at all, then possibly applied the same that I used for Present Windows (meta+x - more comfortable to trigger than meta+d) 4. Because of the same shortcuts and both being enabled, the old Present Window took precedence. Maybe if the shortcuts were different, two effects can co-exist? Let's check! 5. Yes, both can co-exist, when they are both enabled and have different key bindings. Nice! Maybe it can stay that way? Everyone can choose what he/she prefers. Now that I set it that way, disabling Overview is not disabling Present Windows. So something in the initial settings after the update was causing the interference, possibly an old config? Now that I defaulted key binding of Overview, all behaves correctly. I believe now that with fresh or more vanilla settings, all will work correctly, and you won't be able to reproduce the bug, because some old config with manually changed shortcuts for Present Window should be in the system before the update, then the update needs to be applie, and then Overview enabled... I guess no one will want to do all of that just to check it. Anyway, I set it as WORKSFORME and in case someone will have a similar issue, you will know more Nate. Thanks! I wouldn't solve it without you!
You're welcome!