Created attachment 145222 [details] frameworks 5.89 STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. download biglyBT installer for linux 2. install biglyBT 3. add biglyBT shortcut to desktop OBSERVED RESULT SVG icon of the shortcut added to desktop is not displayed. please see the attached screenshots. EXPECTED RESULT SVG icon is displayed SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Operating System: Arch Linux KDE Plasma Version: 5.23.5 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.89.0 Qt Version: 5.15.2 Graphics Platform: Wayland
Created attachment 145223 [details] after update to frameworks 5.90
I don't really want to download a whole app, can you show me the .desktop file. If there is an Icon= line can you upload that.
frameworks 5.90 was moved to stable repo today and now I'm unable to reproduce.
Created attachment 145302 [details] SVG icon Nevermind. Frameworks was partially updated yesterday, the rest was updated today and the bug is back. SVG icon attached.
Contents of the .desktop file: #!/usr/bin/env xdg-open [Desktop Entry] Name=BiglyBT GenericName=BitTorrent Client Exec=/home/stalker/biglybt/biglybt %U Icon=/home/stalker/biglybt/biglybt.svg Terminal=false Type=Application MimeType=x-scheme-handler/magnet;application/x-bittorrent;application/x-biglybt;x-scheme-handler/biglybt; Categories=Application;Network;FileTransfer;P2P;GTK;Java; StartupWMClass=BiglyBT
I can confirm that paths to SVG files fail. If I make a dummy desktop file with this in it, it fails: > Icon=/home/nate/kde/usr/share/icons/breeze/categories/32/applications-games.svg But it works if I change it to: > Icon=applications-games The issue won't be in plasmashell, but I don't know where to move the bug report to.
The issue could be in KDirModel. Investigating...
The culprit could be But in 5.89 I don't know why it works. KIconUtils::addOverlays still used `QIcon::fromTheme`.
A possibly relevant merge request was started @
*** Bug 448883 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Git commit 25b470d4381aabfdeb76b9c7110c8091808c78dd by Fushan Wen. Committed on 23/01/2022 at 09:33. Pushed by ahmadsamir into branch 'master'. kdirmodel: Allow using full path for Icon in .desktop file This allows KDirModel correctly shows the icon with a full path specified in the .desktop file. Related: bug 448596 M +14 -1 src/widgets/kdirmodel.cpp
Git commit 672c743000d1a9a97ccf6e88f89552a744010edd by Fushan Wen. Committed on 23/01/2022 at 09:34. Pushed by ahmadsamir into branch 'master'. autotests: Add `testIcon` to kdirmodeltest The test can validate the correct icon is used if "Icon" is specified in the desktop file, and can fall back to "unknown" if KDirModel fails to load the icon. Related: bug 448596 M +136 -0 autotests/kdirmodeltest.cpp M +7 -0 autotests/kdirmodeltest.h
*** Bug 449231 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***