SUMMARY Reusing title from one project to another is quite difficult when different video resolution. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch kdenlive-21.12.0-x86_64.appimage 2. Create an empty HD 720p 25 fps project 3. Add a title clip 4. Chose model "Lower third - blue and white rectangles.kdenlivetitle" OBSERVED RESULT O1. Kdenlive warns about title made for different video size O2. Kdenlive title editor displays project video (1280 x 720) size and full title size (1920x1080) O3. There is no way to change title size O4. There is no way to move title objects from this title to a new created one (with good size) EXPECTED RESULT E1. When select all title objects, allowing copy to clipboard E2. When creating new empty title, allowing paste all objects from clipboard SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Linux/Xfce4: UbuntuStudio 20.04.3 LTS KDE Frameworks Version: 5.81.0 Qt Version: 5.14.2
You can save the title but when you loading the title in a project which has a different setting, you are right it gives only warning about the different project setting and loads the title. It should ask for adapting to the new resolution or it should be possible to scale all items at ones. See Bug 447931