Missing "Tłusty Czwartek" (en: Fat Thursday), 52 days before Easter - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_Thursday (Much more celebrated than Fat Tuesday) Also, these are all state holidays, but no day off! 19 February - Dzień Nauki Polskiej (en: Day of Polish Science) 1 March - Narodowy Dzień Pamięci „Żołnierzy Wyklętych” (en: National Day of Remembrance of "Cursed Soldiers") 24 March - Narodowy Dzień Pamięci Polaków ratujących Żydów pod okupacją niemiecką (en: National Day of Remembrance of Poles (who were) saving Jews during German occupation) 14 April - Święto Chrztu Polski (en: "Holiday of Baptism of Poland") 8 May - Narodowy Dzień Zwycięstwa (en: National Victory Day) 12 July - Dzień Walki i Męczeństwa Wsi Polskiej (en: Day of the Struggle and Martyrdom of the Polish Village) 1 August - Narodowy Dzień Pamięci Powstania Warszawskiego (en: National Day of Remembrance of the Warsaw Uprising) 31 August - Dzień Solidarności i Wolności (en: Day of Solidarity and Freedom) 19 October - Narodowy Dzień Pamięci Duchownych Niezłomnych (en: National Day of Remembrance of the Steadfast Clergy) 27 December - Narodowy Dzień Zwycięskiego Powstania Wielkopolskiego (en: National Day of the Victorious Greater Poland Uprising) Most of translations to English are automated ones.
I'm forwarding this to the author of the Poland Holidays file.
no response from the author of the Poland holidays file. I'll give it a try myself then. Should we replace Fat Tuesday with Fat Thursday? or do we want both?
(In reply to Allen Winter from comment #2) > no response from the author of the Poland holidays file. I'll give it a try > myself then. > > Should we replace Fat Tuesday with Fat Thursday? or do we want both? While Fat Thursday is "celebrated" by eating pączki (doughnuts) the Fat Tuesday isn't really a country wide holiday - though some regions may (In my opinion they don't - but I'm city-dweller so not best source on village holidays) celebrate that. For historical and cultural reasons I would leave Fat Tuesday with old name - because it marks end of Slavic carnival [Polish: Ostatki/Zapusty] same way as Fat Tuesday marks it beginning.
(In reply to JanNowak94 from comment #3) > as Fat Tuesday marks it beginning. Thursday.
Git commit 2ba6b6a95117e702858f838207e83b7a3c54b03e by Allen Winter. Committed on 13/02/2022 at 16:40. Pushed by winterz into branch 'master'. holiday_pl_pl - add Fat Thursday and State Holidays w/o day-off FIXED-IN: 5.92.0 M +36 -1 holidays/plan2/holiday_pl_pl https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kholidays/commit/2ba6b6a95117e702858f838207e83b7a3c54b03e