Bug 447056 - can not conntect to huawei share samba
Summary: can not conntect to huawei share samba
Alias: None
Product: dolphin
Classification: Applications
Component: bars: location (show other bugs)
Version: 21.12.1
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: NOR major
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Dolphin Bug Assignee
Depends on:
Reported: 2021-12-16 02:32 UTC by ystyle
Modified: 2022-02-21 08:38 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

git for operation (deleted)
2021-12-16 02:32 UTC, ystyle
gif for operation (1.63 MB, image/gif)
2021-12-16 02:35 UTC, ystyle

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description ystyle 2021-12-16 02:32:38 UTC
Created attachment 144588 [details]
git for operation

can not conntect to huawei share samba 

1.  open huawei share and loog press huawei share icon to setting then open share to pc, setting username and password
2.  open dolphin,  in location input smb:// and input username and password
3.  after clicking confirm the connection, the confirmation connection container will continue to pop up

after clicking confirm the connection, the confirmation connection container will continue to pop up

can connect to huawei share samba. 

PS:  command: smbclient // -U username can conntecd with smbclient in terminal
Linux/KDE Plasma: 
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version:  5.23.4
KDE Frameworks Version:  5.88.0
Qt Version: 5.15.2
linux kernel: 5.15.6-arch2-1

Comment 1 ystyle 2021-12-16 02:35:01 UTC
Created attachment 144589 [details]
gif for operation
Comment 2 ystyle 2021-12-16 02:37:21 UTC
Comment on attachment 144588 [details]
git for operation

how to delete this pic?
Comment 4 Ben Cooksley 2021-12-16 15:56:47 UTC
The content of attachment 144588 [details] has been deleted for the following reason:

Removing unrelated data
Comment 5 ystyle 2021-12-28 10:05:44 UTC
 ystyle@Archlinux  ~/Code/Docker/apisix-docker/example   master ●  export KDE_FORK_SLAVES=1

 ystyle@Archlinux  ~/Code/Docker/apisix-docker/example   master ●  export QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN='[%{time process}](%{pid})/(%{category}) %{function}: %{message}'

 ystyle@Archlinux  ~/Code/Docker/apisix-docker/example   master ●  export QT_LOGGING_RULES='log_kio_smb=true'

 ystyle@Archlinux  ~/Code/Docker/apisix-docker/example   master ●  dolphin --new-window  smb://ystyle@
[     0.000](2352588)/(kf.kio.core) unknown: Malformed JSON protocol file for protocol: "trash" , number of the ExtraNames fields should match the number of ExtraTypes fields
[     0.007](2352588)/(kf.kio.core) unknown: Malformed JSON protocol file for protocol: "trash" , number of the ExtraNames fields should match the number of ExtraTypes fields
smb_signing_good: BAD SIG: seq 1
smb_signing_good: BAD SIG: seq 3
 ystyle@Archlinux  ~/Code/Docker/apisix-docker/example   master ●  dolphin --new-window  smb://ystyle@
[     0.000](2353618)/(kf.kio.core) unknown: Malformed JSON protocol file for protocol: "trash" , number of the ExtraNames fields should match the number of ExtraTypes fields
[     0.008](2353618)/(kf.kio.core) unknown: Malformed JSON protocol file for protocol: "trash" , number of the ExtraNames fields should match the number of ExtraTypes fields
Comment 6 ystyle 2021-12-28 10:12:20 UTC
After the authentication window pops up, click the confirm button, the console does not display other information
Comment 7 Bug Janitor Service 2022-01-12 04:36:04 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as
possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug
tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with
no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

If you have already provided the requested information, please
mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is
ready to be confirmed.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 8 ystyle 2022-01-12 07:46:39 UTC
Submitted on 2021-12-28
Comment 9 vector 2022-02-02 07:53:20 UTC
We built now new Plasma for blackPanther OS v22.1 and I can confirm as well, problem still persists  on latest Plasma-Desktop:5.23.1 Plasma Workspace:5.90  Dolphin: 21.12.1  

Interest: I have two SMB share, Volume_1 and Volume_2, the dolphin discover shares, accept login/passwd
I tried enter to Volume_1 I get a endless "Authentication dialog" and can't enter to folder, 

> smb_signing_good: BAD SIG: seq 1
> smb_signing_good: BAD SIG: seq 3`

But! I can simply enter to Volume_2 folder.

On another PC, older Plasma/Dolphin still working fine this function for all shares.
Comment 10 vector 2022-02-08 19:21:59 UTC
I've recheck Dolphin today, so: 
Login failed another user name/passwod as system user! When I set username/password on NAS to same as local user, I get access to SMB filesystem on nas. When I tried different username+password (already set on nas previously), I get a endless popup "auth dialog" and I can't login.

> kf.kio.slaves.smb: libsmb-auth-callback URL: QUrl("smb://nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: open "smb://nas.localnet/Volume_1" url-type: 3 dirfd: -1 errNum: 13
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: Discovery finished.
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: trying checkPassword
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: checkPassword for  QUrl("smb://nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: call openPasswordDialog for  QUrl("smb://nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: got password through cache "build"
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: openPasswordDialog returned  "xMyUserNamex"
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: updateCache  "/Volume_1"
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: Caching info.username =  "xMyUserNamex" , info.url =  "smb://nas.localnet/Volume_1"
> kf.kio.core.dirlister: QUrl("smb://nas.localnet/Volume_1") -> QUrl("smb://xMyUserNamex@nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.core.dirlister: QUrl("smb://xMyUserNamex@nas.localnet/Volume_1") has not been listed yet.
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: QUrl("smb://xMyUserNamex@nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: checkURL  QUrl("smb://xMyUserNamex@nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: checkURL return3  QUrl("smb://xMyUserNamex@nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: updateCache  "/Volume_1"
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: Starting discovery.
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: auth_smbc_get_dat: set user= xMyUserNamex , workgroup= PANTHERGROUP  server= nas.localnet , share= Volume_1
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: updateCache  "/Volume_1"
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: libsmb-auth-callback URL: QUrl("smb://nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: got password through cache "xMyUserNamex"
smb_signing_good: BAD SIG: seq 1
smb_signing_good: BAD SIG: seq 3
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: open "smb://xMyUserNamex@nas.localnet/Volume_1" url-type: 3 dirfd: -1 errNum: 1
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: Discovery finished.
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: trying checkPassword
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: checkPassword for  QUrl("smb://xMyUserNamex@nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: call openPasswordDialog for  QUrl("smb://nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: openPasswordDialog returned  "xMyUserNamex"
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: updateCache  "/Volume_1"
> kf.kio.core.dirlister: New redirection url same as old, giving up.
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: QUrl("smb://xMyUserNamex@nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: checkURL  QUrl("smb://xMyUserNamex@nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: checkURL return3  QUrl("smb://xMyUserNamex@nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: updateCache  "/Volume_1"
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: Starting discovery.
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: auth_smbc_get_dat: set user= xMyUserNamex , workgroup= PANTHERGROUP  server= nas.localnet , share= Volume_1
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: updateCache  "/Volume_1"
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: libsmb-auth-callback URL: QUrl("smb://nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: got password through cache "xMyUserNamex"
smb_signing_good: BAD SIG: seq 1
smb_signing_good: BAD SIG: seq 3
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: open "smb://xMyUserNamex@nas.localnet/Volume_1" url-type: 3 dirfd: -1 errNum: 1
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: Discovery finished.
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: trying checkPassword
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: checkPassword for  QUrl("smb://xMyUserNamex@nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: call openPasswordDialog for  QUrl("smb://nas.localnet/Volume_1")
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: no value from openPasswordDialog; error: 1
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: user cancelled password request
> kf.kio.slaves.smb: errNum 1

I tried a gdb debugging,  but I didn't see any more information..
Comment 11 Harald Sitter 2022-02-21 08:31:15 UTC
Have you maybe configured a default username password in the Windows Shares  section of the system settings?

Comment 12 ystyle 2022-02-21 08:34:06 UTC
(In reply to Harald Sitter from comment #11)
> Have you maybe configured a default username password in the Windows Shares 
> section of the system settings?
> https://i.imgur.com/By26Mgn.png

no, it's still empty
Comment 13 Harald Sitter 2022-02-21 08:38:52 UTC
I suggest you grab a debug log with smb logging enabled https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Debugging/Debugging_IOSlaves/Debugging_kio_smb#Logging_with_libsmbclient_debug_output and take this to https://bugzilla.samba.org for further analysis. The problem seems to be below KIO and dolphin.

There is no practical reason from our end why one set of credentials would work while the other does not, much less so if the same credentials work for another volume on the same server. The bad sig stuff certainly seems relevant somehow.