Description When I zip my mouse cursor over the buttons in the logout screen too fast, their opacity jumps to zero then animates back to 0.5. The opacity should not leave the range [0.5, 1] and also shouldn't jump. Fix In ActionButton.qml the mouseover animation uses PropertyAnimation, and says in a comment that OpacityAnimator is buggy. But in LogoutButton.qml the mouseover animation is still using OpacityAnimator. Changing it to PropertyAnimation fixes the bug for me.
Can confirm.
Git commit 747076d71262bea04c9ee9d2b971ed7b36141b23 by Nate Graham. Committed on 01/12/2021 at 04:37. Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'. LogoutButton: fix janky animation Use a PropertyAnimation instead of an OpacityAnimator, as ActionButton itself does. This fixes weird animation jumpiness on hover. FIXED-IN: 5.24 M +1 -1 lookandfeel/contents/logout/LogoutButton.qml